Loading Libraries


# Define your control parameters for outer CV
ctrl <- trainControl(
  method = "cv",
  number = 5,
  summaryFunction = twoClassSummary,
  classProbs = TRUE,
  search = "grid"
# Define a hyperparameter grid for LASSO (aplha = 1)
grid <- expand.grid(
  alpha = 1,
  lambda = seq(0.001, 1, length = 10)
# Perform nested cross-validation
model <- train(
  Class ~ .,
  data = Sonar,
  method = "glmnet",
  trControl = ctrl,
  tuneGrid = grid
# Print the best hyperparameters

How to do nested cross-validation with LASSO in caret or tidymodels?

Nested cross-validation is a robust technique used for hyperparameter tuning and model selection. When working with complex models like LASSO (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator), it becomes essential to understand how to implement nested cross-validation efficiently. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of nested cross-validation and how to implement it with LASSO using popular R packages, Caret and Tidymodels.

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Before diving into nested cross-validation, make sure you have R installed along with the Caret and Tidymodels packages. You can install them using the following commands:...

Loading Libraries


Load the dataset

R # Define your control parameters for outer CV ctrl <- trainControl(   method = "cv",   number = 5,   summaryFunction = twoClassSummary,   classProbs = TRUE,   search = "grid" )   # Define a hyperparameter grid for LASSO (aplha = 1) grid <- expand.grid(   alpha = 1,   lambda = seq(0.001, 1, length = 10) )   # Perform nested cross-validation set.seed(123) model <- train(   Class ~ .,   data = Sonar,   method = "glmnet",   trControl = ctrl,   tuneGrid = grid )   # Print the best hyperparameters print(model$bestTune)...

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