List of Sources of Renewable Energy in Germany

Here is the list of renewable energy sources with their potential to generate electricity:


Renewable Energy Source

Electricity Generation (2023) in TWh

% increase (2023/2022)






Wind Energy (Total)




Wind Energy (Land)




Wind Energy (Sea)




Photovoltaic Energy




Biomass (Total)




Biogenic ā€“ Solid fuels




Biogenic ā€“ Liquid fuels












Sewage Gas




Landfill Gas




Waste Proportion




Geothermal Energy



Sources of Renewable Energy in Germany

Sources of Renewable Energy in Germany: Germany is seeking to implement something they call the ā€œEnergiewendeā€. Thus, Germany aims to get rid of using combustible fuels such as coal and oil, as well as nuclear power. On the contrary, Germany plans to use more renewable energy sources that are harmless to the environment and they donā€™t pollute like they used to.

In this article, the sources of renewable energy in Germany will be reviewed. Through the use of renewable energy, Germany envisions its economic state to be one in which it is sustainable.

Table of Content

  • About Sources of Renewable Energy in Germany
  • List of Sources of Renewable Energy in Germany
  • Renemable Energy of Germany: List of Sources
  • 1. Hydropower
  • 2. Wind Energy
  • 3. Photovoltaic Energy
  • 4. Biomass
  • 5. Biogenic Solid Fuels
  • 6. Biogenic Liquid Fuels
  • 7. Biogas
  • 8. Biomethane
  • 9. Sewage Gas
  • 10. Landfill Gas
  • 11. Geothermal Energy

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About Sources of Renewable Energy in Germany

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List of Sources of Renewable Energy in Germany

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Renemable Energy of Germany: List of Sources

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1. Hydropower

Hydroelectric power production in Germany reached a capacity of 19.5 terawatt-hours in 2023. This huge output proves hydropower as a major source of renewable energy of Germany. The role of hydroelectricity is quite significant as it acts as a reliable power production source while at the same time domesticating harmful emissions to the planetā€™s atmosphere. Hydropower plants useĀ­ the kinetic eneĀ­rgy in rivers or artificial reservoirs, turning turbineĀ­s to generate eĀ­lectricity....

2. Wind Energy

Wind power is produced in Germany through wind turbines. According to the data from 2023, wind energy accounted for 137.8 TWh of electricity. The wind rotates the blades when it blows. This rotation turns a generator that leads to the production of electricity....

3. Photovoltaic Energy

Solar paneĀ­ls make up a vital part of renewable energy of Germany. In 2023, they generateĀ­d 61.1 TWh of electricity. While substantial, furtheĀ­r expansion remains neceĀ­ssary....

4. Biomass

Biomass energy is produced from organic resource such as wood, agricultural waste and, even dead natural materials. In Germany, for 2023, the biomass generated 43.8 TWh of electricity. It is major source of renewable energy of Germany....

5. Biogenic Solid Fuels

Biogenic fuel solidities consist of items such as wood pellets, wood chips, and crop waste like wheat stalks. These materials can be used to fuel boilers or stoves that burn biomass and provide heat or produce electricity....

6. Biogenic Liquid Fuels

Liquid biofuels are mostly derived from organic matter primarily agricultural crops (for example, corn and sugarcane) and vegetable oils (e.g., rapeseed oil) as well as animal fats. Usually, biodiesel and bioethanol is given as illustrations....

7. Biogas

Methane-rich biogas is created naturally. Anaerobic digestion is the process that synthesizes it. It is the breakdown of organic matter by as much as, animal manure, leftover crops, food waste, and sewage when oxygen is not present...

8. Biomethane

Biomethane is a brand of purified biogas consisting of more than 90% of methane (CH4). It is a major part of renewable energy of Germany....

9. Sewage Gas

Sewage sludge is the leftover material from treating sewage water. It is a major part of renewable energy of Germany....

10. Landfill Gas

The landfill gas forms as organic wasteĀ­ decomposes without oxygen in landfills. BacteĀ­ria break down materials like food scraps and papeĀ­r via anaerobic fermentation, using nitrogeĀ­n and sulfate reactions. This process geĀ­nerates the landfill gas product....

11. Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy constitutes a smaller part of renewable energy of Germany. However, it is foreseen to have a great chance to produce stable electricity. GeotheĀ­rmal power stations harness steam from undeĀ­rground wells, converting it to geneĀ­rate electricity. This steĀ­am drives turbines, consequeĀ­ntly producing electricity....

Conclusion ā€“ Sources of Renewable Energy in Germany

The renewable energy of Germany includes wind, solar, biomass, and hydropower. Using these clean sources shows Germanyā€™s commitment to reducing greenhouse gases and securing reliable energy. With its strong focus on sustainability, Germany sets an excellent example for other nations worldwide....

FAQs on Sources of Renewable Energy in Germany

What is the German renewable energy scheme?...

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