List of Perfect Squares from 1 to 100

List of perfect squares between 1 to 100 are shown in the table below:

12 = 1

112 = 121

212 = 441

312 = 961

412 = 1681

512 = 2601

612 = 3721

712 = 5041

812 = 6561

912 = 8281

22 = 4

122 = 144

222 = 482

322 = 1024

422 = 1764

522 = 2704

622 = 3844

722 = 5184

822 = 6724

922 = 8464

32 = 9

132 = 169

232 = 529

332 = 1089

432 = 1849

532 = 2809

632 = 3969

732 = 5329

832 = 6889

932 = 8649

44 = 16

142 = 196

242 = 576

342 = 1156

442 = 1936

542 = 2916

642 = 4096

742 = 5476

842 = 7056

942 = 8836

52 = 25

152 = 225

252 = 625

352 = 1225

452 = 2025

552 = 3025

652 = 4225

752 = 5625

852 = 7225

952 = 9025

62 = 36

162 = 256

262 = 676

362 = 1296

462 = 2116

562 = 3136

662 = 4356

762 = 5776

862 = 7396

962 = 9216

72 = 49

172 = 289

272 = 729

372 = 1369

472 = 2209

572 = 3249

672 = 4489

772 = 5929

872 = 7569

972 = 9409

82 = 64

182 = 324

282 = 784

382 = 1444

482 = 2304

582 = 3364

682 =4624

782 = 6084

882 = 7744

982 = 9604

92 = 81

192 = 361

292 = 841

392 = 1521

492 = 2401

592 =3481

692 =4761

792 = 6241

892 = 7921

992 = 9801

102 = 100

202 = 400

302 = 900

402 = 1600

502 = 2500

602 =3600

702 =4900

802 = 6400

902 = 8100

1002 = 10000

Perfect Square

Perfect Square is a number obtained by multiplying a whole number by itself, like 4 which is obtained when 2 is multiplied by itself, i.e. 2 × 2 = 4, thus 4 is a perfect square. In mathematical terms, the perfect square is expressed as a2.

In this article, we have covered the meaning and definition of perfect squares, methods of finding perfect squares, and a list of perfect squares and applications.

Table of Content

  • What is Perfect Square?
    • Perfect Square Definition
  • How to Identify Perfect Square Numbers?
  • Perfect Square Formula
  • Perfect Squares Numbers from 1 to 100
  • List of Perfect Squares from 1 to 100
  • Properties of Perfect Square
  • Perfect Square Chart
  • Perfect Square – Tips and Tricks
    • How many Perfect Squares are between 1 and 100?
    • How many Perfect Squares are between 1 and 1000?
  • Perfect Square Examples
  • Practice Questions on Perfect Square

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