List of Endangered Species in Canada

In 2023, over 2,000 animal species in Canada are at high risk of disappearing. Canada has laws like the Canada Wildlife Act and the Endangered Species Act to create, manage, and protect wildlife areas and prevent indigenous species from dying out. Here are some of the most endangered species in Canada. Here is the list of Endangered Species in Canada as mentioned below:

List of Endangered Species in Canada 2024

Endangered Species


IUCN Red Data Book Status

American Badger

Habitat loss, road mortality

Least Concern

American Eel

Habitat loss, dams, overfishing


Canada Warbler

Habitat loss, deforestation

Least Concern

Baird’s Sparrow

Habitat loss, agriculture

Near Threatened

Eastern Cougar

Habitat loss, human activity

Extinct (Possibly)

Bank Swallow

Habitat loss, pollution

Least Concern

Grizzly Bear

Human disturbance, habitat loss

Least Concern

Barn Swallow

Habitat loss, pesticide use

Least Concern


Pollution, prey depletion

Data Deficient

Black-footed Ferret

Habitat loss, prey depletion


Ord’s Kangaroo Rat

Habitat loss, agricultural development

Least Concern

Blanding’s Turtle

Habitat loss, pollution

Least Concern

Pacific Great Blue Heron

Habitat loss, pollution

Least Concern


Habitat loss, agricultural practices

Least Concern

Peary Caribou

Habitat loss, climate change


Buff-breasted Sandpiper

Climate change, habitat degradation

Near Threatened

Porbeagle Shark

Overfishing, bycatch


Burrowing Owl

Habitat loss, agricultural development

Least Concern

Whooping Crane

Habitat loss, human disturbance



Habitat loss, climate change

Least Concern

Collared Pika

Climate change, habitat loss

Least Concern

Vancouver Island Marmot

Habitat loss, predation

Critically Endangered

Chinook Salmon

Overfishing, habitat degradation


Common Nighthawk

Habitat loss, pesticide use

Least Concern

Deepwater Sculpin

Habitat loss, pollution

Least Concern

Ferruginous Hawk

Habitat loss, pesticide use

Least Concern

Gray Fox

Habitat loss, human disturbance

Least Concern

Greater Sage-Grouse

Habitat loss, human disturbance

Near Threatened

Horned Grebe

Habitat loss, pollution

Least Concern

King Rail

Habitat loss, pollution

Least Concern

Louisiana Waterthrush

Habitat loss, pollution

Least Concern

Lake Sturgeon

Overfishing, habitat loss

Least Concern


Climate change, hunting

Least Concern

Olive Clubtail Dragonfly

Habitat loss, pollution

Least Concern

Piping Plover

Habitat loss, human disturbance

Near Threatened

Red Knot

Habitat loss, human disturbance

Least Concern

Rusty Blackbird

Habitat loss, pollution

Least Concern

Sei Whale

Overfishing, habitat loss



Habitat loss, human disturbance

Least Concern

Woodland Caribou

Habitat loss, human activity


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List of Endangered Species in Canada in 2024

List of Endangered Species in Canada: Canada has 363 classified as endangered species. In this, 190 species are threatened 235 special concern and 22 are extirpated in nature. Vancouver Island marmot is the rarest animal in Canada which falls under the critically endangered category. Beavers are the national animal of Canada and it is a least concern species as per the IUCN Red List.

Below is the list of endangered species in Canada.

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