Links Between Ecosystems And Human Activities

We managed to control fires, farm, and build vehicles. We’ve built factories, dams, and solar panels, and we’re constantly looking for new ways to explore space. Nevertheless, mankind’s desire to use, modify and transform natural ecosystems seems to be endless. Turning plains into grain fields, for example, will dramatically change the local ecosystem. Sometimes we change it completely from its original basis.

Human activity today is having a huge impact on ecosystems, so we’re talking about the Anthropocene timeline. This is a period that determines the significant impact of human activities on the Earth’s atmosphere, biosphere, and geological and hydrological systems. This period also takes into account changes due to climatic events that are primarily caused by human activities. We see all these changes everywhere. When trees are cut down in the Amazon forest,  species struggle to survive, and the ecosystem changes with local humidity and climate change. Dam construction also changes the distribution of water and affects the species that live around rivers.  A commonly used example of how human activity affects ecosystems is Yellowstone National Park, USA. Here, as in other national parks, the US Department of Biology has decided to kill wolves and other species as a means of controlling predators. The problem is that in the long run, the disappearance of the wolf population affects the entire ecosystem and also changes the flow of local rivers. About 70 years later, wolves were reintroduced into the park to restore balance to the ecosystem.

What is an Ecosystem? How do Human Beings influence Ecology?

An ecosystem is defined as a community of living things, composed of non-living components that interact with each other. An ecosystem is a structural and functional unit of ecology in which living organisms interact with each other and with the environment. In other words, an ecosystem is a chain of interactions between an organism and its environment. All plants and animals in certain areas are interrelated and also interdependent on each other and their dependence on the environment is known as an ecosystem.


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