Life Cycle of Angiosperms


The alternation of generations is a technique used by angiosperms to develop and reproduce. They alternate between asexual and sexual phases. As spores are produced during the asexual phase, it is known as the sporophyte generation. The gametophyte generation, which occurs during the sexual phase, involves the manufacture of gametes. Within the plant bloom, gametes for both sexes develop. Pollen contains the male microspores, which mature into sperm. In the plant ovary, female megaspores transform into egg cells. Angiosperms are pollinated by insects, animals, and the wind. Fertilized eggs mature into seeds, and the fruit of the plant grows from the ovary around them. Angiosperms can be distinguished from other flowering plants known as gymnosperms by their fruit development. Woody and herbaceous plants are two different forms of angiosperms. Trees and certain shrubs are examples of woody plants. Beans and corn are examples of herbaceous plants. By alternating between asexual and sexual phases, angiosperms go through a life cycle.

Angiosperms | Class 9 Biology

The term biodiversity is used to describe a variety of biological forms. The term “biodiversity” is more frequently used to describe the range of living things that can be found in a given area. A geographic region’s diversity of living forms contributes to its stability. Based on the form and function of their bodies, all living things are recognized and grouped. Charles Darwin initially introduced the concept of evolution in his book The Origin of Species in 1859.

Classification Groups’ Hierarchy

  • Ernst Haeckel (1894), Robert Whittaker (1959), and Carl Woese (1977) are three scientists who made an effort to group all living things into broad groups and called them “Kingdoms.
  • Whittaker divided life forms into five kingdoms, including:
    • Monera: No members of the Monera kingdom have multicellular body plans or a clearly defined nucleus or organelles.
    • Numerous varieties of unicellular eukaryotic organisms make up the Protista kingdom of life.
    • Fungi: The heterotrophic eukaryotic creatures that make up the kingdom of fungi.
    • Plantae: Multicellular eukaryotic creatures with cell walls make up this kingdom. Because they are autotrophs, plant life uses chlorophyll to produce food (i.e. photosynthesis).
    • Animalia: All members of the Animalia kingdom are multicellular eukaryotes that lack cell walls. Animalia kingdom members are heterotrophs. 

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Life Cycle of Angiosperms


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