Leaving blank on no significance level

We will now visualize our correlation matrix by leaving a blank where there is no significance level. In the previous example, we added a significance level to our correlation matrix. Here, we will remove those parts of the correlation matrix where we did not find any significance level.

We will do this using the ggcorrplot function and take arguments like our correlation matrix, correlation matrix with p-values, hc.order, type and insig.

Syntax : 

ggcorrplot(correlation_matrix, hc.order=TRUE, p.mat=corrp.mat, type=”lower”, insig=”blank”)


correlation_matrix : Our correlation matrix to visualize.

  • hc.order : If it is true, then the correlation matrix will be ordered.  
  • p.mat : Correlation matrix with p-values.
  • type : It is the arrangement of the character to display.
  • insig : It is a character mostly containing insignificant correlation coefficients. The value is “pch” by default. If it is provided blank, then it wipes away the corresponding glyphs.

Example: Leaving blank on no significance level


# Reading the data
# Computing correlation matrix
correlation_matrix <- round(cor(USArrests),1)
# Computing correlation matrix with p-values
corrp.mat <- cor_pmat(USArrests)
# Leaving blank on no significance level
ggcorrplot(correlation_matrix, hc.order =TRUE
           type ="lower", p.mat = corrp.mat, insig="blank")

Output :

Visualization of a correlation matrix using ggplot2 in R

In this article, we will discuss how to visualize a correlation matrix using ggplot2 package in R programming language.

In order to do this, we will install a package called ggcorrplot package. With the help of this package, we can easily visualize a correlation matrix. We can also compute a matrix of correlation p-values by using a function that is present in this package. The corr_pmat() is used for computing the correlation matrix of p-values and the ggcorrplot() is used for displaying the correlation matrix using ggplot.

Syntax : 


Where x is the dataframe or the matrix


ggcorrplot(corr, method = c(“circle”, “square”), type = c(“full”, “lower”, “upper”), title = “”, ggtheme=ggplot2::theme_minimal, show.legend = TRUE, legend.title = “corr”, show.diag = FALSE, colors = c(“blue”, “white”, “red”), outline.color = “gray”, hc.order = FALSE, hc.method = “complete”, lab = FALSE, lab_col =”black”, p.mat = NULL,.. )

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