Kubernetes Autoscaling

The main point of the cloud and Kubernetes is the ability to scale in the way that we can be able to add new nodes if the existing ones get full and at the same if the demand drops we should be able to delete those nodes. To solve this problem we can use Kubernetes auto scaler which is a component that allows us to scale the resources up and down according to the usage this method is called Kubernetes autoscaling. There are three different methods of Kubernetes autoscaling:

  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
  • Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA)
  • Cluster Autoscaler (CA)

Kubernetes – Autoscaling

Pre-requisite: Kubernetes 

Life before Kubernetes is like writing our code and pushing the code into physical servers in a data center and managing the resources needed by that server to run our application smoothly and another type is deploying our code in virtual machines(VM). With VMs also have problems with hardware and software components required by VMs costs are high and there are some security risks with VMs. Here comes the role of Kubernetes. It is an open-source platform that allows users to manage, deploy and maintain a group of containers and it is like a tool that manages multiple docker environments together. The problems we faced in VMs can be overcome by Kubernetes(K8s).

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Kubernetes Autoscaling

The main point of the cloud and Kubernetes is the ability to scale in the way that we can be able to add new nodes if the existing ones get full and at the same if the demand drops we should be able to delete those nodes. To solve this problem we can use Kubernetes auto scaler which is a component that allows us to scale the resources up and down according to the usage this method is called Kubernetes autoscaling. There are three different methods of Kubernetes autoscaling:...

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