Key Differences: Node.js vs Python





Node.js provides good performance with the use of the V8 engine.

The single-flow nature of Python makes it run on a lower performance.


Node.js follows a microservices architecture which helps to easily scale up and scale down the application.

The Global Interpreter Lock(GIL) in Python provides a hindrance to multithreading leading to scalability issues.


Node.js provides frameworks like Express, Angular Webpack and many others to extend the application.

Python provides frameworks like Django, Flask, Web2Py and many others to extend the application.


The event-driven architecture of Node.js allows asynchronous input/output.

Python is synchronous.


Node.js can be used for full-stack applications, mobile applications and IoT.

Python can be used for full-stack applications, IoT and machine learning.

Learning Curve

Node.js is easy to learn with prior knowledge of Javascript.

The learning curve of Python is easy as compared to Javascript.

Libraries and Tools

Node Package Manager is used to install libraries.

PIP(Python installs Python) is used to install libraries.

Error Handling

The parallel processing nature of Node.js makes error handling easier.

The lack of parallel processing makes error handling difficult in Python.


The community for Node.js is a growing community.

The community for Python is an old community of experienced developers.

Use Case

Node.js is used in chat applications and data streaming applications.

Python is used in machine learning, data analytics and automation.

Node.js vs Python: Which Backend Technology to Choose?

Ever wondered how with a single click, all of the desired data is shown on your screen? How are you able to video call or FaceTime your friends and family easily? How does the internet manage such a large database and fetch the required data at any given time? This is all possible due to backend technologies. Backend technology is necessary for behind-the-scenes work like storing data, managing user authentication, and many more.

In this article, we’ll look at various features of Node.js and Python to be chosen as a backend technology for your project.

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Key Differences: Node.js vs Python

Aspects Node.js Python Performance Node.js provides good performance with the use of the V8 engine. The single-flow nature of Python makes it run on a lower performance. Scalability Node.js follows a microservices architecture which helps to easily scale up and scale down the application. The Global Interpreter Lock(GIL) in Python provides a hindrance to multithreading leading to scalability issues. Extensibility Node.js provides frameworks like Express, Angular Webpack and many others to extend the application. Python provides frameworks like Django, Flask, Web2Py and many others to extend the application. Architecture The event-driven architecture of Node.js allows asynchronous input/output. Python is synchronous. Universality Node.js can be used for full-stack applications, mobile applications and IoT. Python can be used for full-stack applications, IoT and machine learning. Learning Curve Node.js is easy to learn with prior knowledge of Javascript. The learning curve of Python is easy as compared to Javascript. Libraries and Tools Node Package Manager is used to install libraries. PIP(Python installs Python) is used to install libraries. Error Handling The parallel processing nature of Node.js makes error handling easier. The lack of parallel processing makes error handling difficult in Python. Community The community for Node.js is a growing community. The community for Python is an old community of experienced developers. Use Case Node.js is used in chat applications and data streaming applications. Python is used in machine learning, data analytics and automation....


In this article, we discussed the basic difference between Node.js and Python in terms of the choice of a backend technology for your project. Your choice depends on various factors and one of each technology takes an edge over the other. Node.js can be used over Python when performance, scalability and architecture are considered. Python can be used over Node.js when learning curve and error handling are considered. Both Node.js and Python are good choices when extensibility, universality, libraries and tools, community and use cases are considered. Thus, as a developer, consider all the above factors before choosing between Node.js and Python....

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