Key Considerations for Acquiring a Database Connection

Now, let’s understand the connection pooling. But first, let’s understand the steps involved in establishing a database connection. Opening a connection is not just a simple task. It involves several operations, such as:

  1. DNS Lookups: It may be that the client application somewhere along the route would be required to undergo DNS lookups to get the IP address of the intended database server to connect to.
  2. TCP Connection Establishment: After DNS resolves to the IP address of the database server, TCP three-way handshake flows over the network to create the user connection to the database server.
  3. Encryption Negotiation: The TLS handshake is performed only in cases in which secure communication is of primary importance. During this process, both parties negotiate and agree on encryption methods for the next session.
  4. Session Parameter Exchange: Exchange of preferences and requirements occurs between the client and the database server during the initial step to define session parameters, like encoding parameters and time zone settings.
  5. Authentication and Authorization: The database server verifies the client identity through authentication and authorization processes to make sure that the user who is trying to connect to the requested database objects in the database has the proper permissions and authority.
  6. Query Execution: Once the connection has been made and the client application has been authenticated, the client running app can go ahead with its queries and fetch the outcomes that are required in order for it to perform its duties.
  7. Session Termination: Upon completion of the DB operations the distinction is very impressive as it breaks down the database session, TLS encryption and TCP connection.

These stages in the process may looks simple and easy to perform, but they consume time and resources when establishing and maintaining the database connection.

How to Use ORM Connection Pooling Effectively

In software development, efficient database connection management is important for optimal performance and scalability. ObjectRelational Mapping (ORM) has revolutionized database interactions, simplifying SQL queries. However, even with advanced ORM frameworks, poor connection management can impact performance.

In this article, We will learn about the ORM connection pooling technique, a key optimization for database access, How to Create a Pooled Connection, the Effects of Increasing Connections on a Database Server, and so on.

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