Key CatBoost Ranking Metrics

1. Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG)

NDCG is a popular metric for evaluating ranking models. It measures the quality of the ranking by comparing the predicted order of items to the ideal order. The NDCG score ranges from 0 to 1, with 1 indicating a perfect ranking.Parameters:

  • Top samples: The number of top samples in a group used to calculate the ranking metric.
  • Metric calculation principles: Can be Base or Exp.
  • Metric denominator type: Can be LogPosition or Position.
from catboost import CatBoostRanker, Pool

# Load data
train_data = Pool(data=X_train, label=y_train, group_id=group_id_train)
test_data = Pool(data=X_test, label=y_test, group_id=group_id_test)

# Initialize CatBoostRanker
model = CatBoostRanker(

# Train the model, eval_set=test_data)


0:    learn: 0.5000000    test: 0.4500000    best: 0.4500000 (0)    total: 0.1s    remaining: 1m 40s
1: learn: 0.5200000 test: 0.4600000 best: 0.4600000 (1) total: 0.2s remaining: 1m 40s
999: learn: 0.9500000 test: 0.9000000 best: 0.9000000 (999) total: 1m 40s remaining: 0us

bestTest = 0.9000000

2. Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR)

MRR is another metric used to evaluate the effectiveness of a ranking model. It calculates the reciprocal of the rank of the first relevant item in the list.

Parameters: Can be Base or Exp.

model = CatBoostRanker(
), eval_set=test_data)


0:    learn: 0.2000000    test: 0.1500000    best: 0.1500000 (0)    total: 0.1s    remaining: 1m 40s
1: learn: 0.2200000 test: 0.1600000 best: 0.1600000 (1) total: 0.2s remaining: 1m 40s
999: learn: 0.8000000 test: 0.7500000 best: 0.7500000 (999) total: 1m 40s remaining: 0us

bestTest = 0.7500000

3. Expected Reciprocal Rank (ERR)

ERR is a metric that considers the probability of a user stopping at a particular rank. It is useful for scenarios where user satisfaction is paramount. Parameters: Probability of search continuation: Default is 0.85.

model = CatBoostRanker(
), eval_set=test_data)


0:    learn: 0.3000000    test: 0.2500000    best: 0.2500000 (0)    total: 0.1s    remaining: 1m 40s
1: learn: 0.3200000 test: 0.2600000 best: 0.2600000 (1) total: 0.2s remaining: 1m 40s
999: learn: 0.9000000 test: 0.8500000 best: 0.8500000 (999) total: 1m 40s remaining: 0us

bestTest = 0.8500000

4. Mean Average Precision (MAP)

MAP is a metric that calculates the mean of the average precision scores for each query. It is particularly useful for binary relevance tasks.

model = CatBoostRanker(
), eval_set=test_data)


0:    learn: 0.1000000    test: 0.0800000    best: 0.0800000 (0)    total: 0.1s    remaining: 1m 40s
1: learn: 0.1200000 test: 0.0900000 best: 0.0900000 (1) total: 0.2s remaining: 1m 40s
999: learn: 0.7000000 test: 0.6500000 best: 0.6500000 (999) total: 1m 40s remaining: 0us

bestTest = 0.6500000

CatBoost Ranking Metrics: A Comprehensive Guide

CatBoost, short for “Categorical Boosting,” is a powerful gradient boosting library developed by Yandex. It is renowned for its efficiency, accuracy, and ability to handle categorical features with ease. One of the key features of CatBoost is its support for ranking tasks, which are crucial in applications like search engines, recommendation systems, and information retrieval. This article delves into the various ranking metrics supported by CatBoost, their usage, and how they can be leveraged to build high-performing ranking models.

Table of Content

  • Understanding Ranking in CatBoost
  • Key CatBoost Ranking Metrics
    • 1. Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG)
    • 2. Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR)
    • 3. Expected Reciprocal Rank (ERR)
    • 4. Mean Average Precision (MAP)
  • Advanced Ranking Modes: YetiRankPairwise
  • Choosing the Right Ranking Metric

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