JS 2016 Introduces Three New Features

  • JavaScript Exponentiation (**)
  • JavaScript Exponentiation assignment (**=)
  • JavaScript Array includes()

We will explore all the above methods along with their basic implementation with the help of examples.

JS 2016 or ECMAScript 2016

JavaScript 2016 (ES2016) is a modified version of ES2015 in which they introduced some new features like JavaScript Exponentiation (**) operator, JavaScript Exponentiation assignment (**=), and Array..includes() method for array element presence checking, enhancing calculations, and array operations, JavaScript 2016 is also known as ECMAScript 2016.

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JS 2016 Introduces Three New Features

JavaScript Exponentiation (**) JavaScript Exponentiation assignment (**=) JavaScript Array includes()...

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Method 2: Exponentiation Assignment (**=) Operator


Method 3: JavaScript Array includes() Method

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