JDK 22: New Features of Java 22

1. Scoped Values

Scoped values introduce a novel approach to managing shared data within a thread or across child threads. They offer several advantages over traditional thread-local variables:

  • Immutability: Scoped values are immutable, preventing accidental modification and improving thread safety. This eliminates the need for complex synchronization mechanisms often required with thread-local variables.
  • Automatic Lifecycle Management: Scoped values are automatically cleaned up when they go out of scope (typically when the thread or enclosing block exits). This simplifies memory management and reduces the risk of memory leaks associated with thread-local variables.
  • Thread-Safe Sharing: Scoped values enable safe sharing of data between parent and child threads while maintaining immutability. A parent thread can create a child thread with a specific scoped value, ensuring the child thread has access to the data without modifying the original value.

2. Stream Gatherers

Stream gatherers provide a more efficient way to collect results from streams. They allow developers to define custom logic for accumulating data during stream processing. Unlike traditional terminal operations that return a single value, stream gatherers offer greater flexibility by enabling developers to accumulate results in various ways. For instance, a stream gatherer could be used to collect data into a specific data structure or perform custom calculations on the stream elements during the accumulation process.

3. Structured Concurrency

Structured concurrency brings a structured way for programming concurrent tasks. It treats collections of related tasks performed in separate threads as one unit of work thus simplifying management of asynchronous operations. This approach offers several benefits:

  • Improved Readability: Code becomes easier to understand and reason about by explicitly defining the start, execution, and completion of concurrent tasks within a structured block.
  • Streamlined Error Handling: Structured concurrency provides mechanisms for handling errors that propagate through the entire unit of work, simplifying error management in complex asynchronous operations.
  • Enhanced Cancellation: Cancellation logic can be applied to the entire unit of work, ensuring all tasks within the group are properly terminated when cancellation is requested.

Here’s an example of how structured concurrency can be used to download multiple files concurrently:

try (var executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3)) {
  List<String> urls = Arrays.asList("url1", "url2", "url3");

  List<Future<String>> downloadFutures = new ArrayList<>();
  for (String url : urls) {
    downloadFutures.add(executor.submit(() -> downloadFile(url)));

  List<String> downloadedFiles = new ArrayList<>();
  for (Future<String> future : downloadFutures) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // Handle download error
  // Use downloaded files

This code can be refactored using structured concurrency:

try (var executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3)) {
  List<String> urls = Arrays.asList("url1", "url2", "url3");

  List<String> downloadedFiles = executor.execute(
      () -> {
        for (String url : urls) {
  // Use downloaded files

4. Statements Before Super

Prior to JDK 22, code execution within a constructor had to occur after the super call, which initializes the parent class. This restriction often forced developers to place initialization logic within the parent class constructor or use instance initialization blocks, which could lead to code duplication or awkward workarounds. Statements Before Super relaxes this restriction, allowing developers to place essential initialization logic before invoking the superclass constructor. This enhances flexibility and control over object initialization by enabling developers to perform necessary setup tasks before delegating to the parent class constructor.

Consider a class Rectangle that inherits from a base class Shape with a constructor that sets the color:

public class Shape {
  private String color;

  public Shape(String color) {
    this.color = color;

public class Rectangle extends Shape {
  private int width;
  private int height;

  // Prior to JDK 22, initialization logic had to go here
  public Rectangle(int width, int height, String color) {
    super(color); // Call to superclass constructor
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;

With statements before super, the initialization logic for width and height can be placed before the superclass constructor call:

public class Rectangle extends Shape {
  private int width;
  private int height;

  public Rectangle(int width, int height, String color) {
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    super(color); // Call to superclass constructor after setting width and height

5. Class-File API

The Class-File API provides programmatic access to Java class files. This allows developers to inspect, modify, and generate class files at runtime. Here are some potential use cases for the Class-File API:

  • Bytecode Manipulation: Developers can write applications that modify the bytecode of existing classes at runtime. This can be used for techniques like code instrumentation, where additional code is inserted into a class to monitor behavior or collect performance data.
  • Custom Class Loaders: The Class-File API can be leveraged to build custom class loaders that dynamically generate or modify classes at load time. This can be beneficial for applications that require custom class loading behavior or need to adapt class definitions based on runtime conditions.
  • Metaprogramming: The ability to inspect and modify class files opens doors for advanced metaprogramming techniques. Developers can potentially write programs that generate code based on annotations or other metadata within class files.

6. Region Pinning for the G1 Garbage Collector (G1 GC)

Region pinning is a performance optimization technique for the G1 garbage collector. The G1 GC divides the heap memory into smaller regions. During garbage collection cycles, the G1 GC identifies and collects regions with a high concentration of dead objects, improving memory efficiency. Region pinning allows developers to designate specific memory regions as pinned, preventing them from being moved during garbage collection cycles. This is particularly beneficial for frequently accessed data, especially in applications with large memory footprints. Pinning these regions ensures the data remains readily available in its current location, potentially reducing memory access times and improving application performance.

7. String Templates (Second Preview)

String templates (still in preview) offer a convenient way to construct complex strings. They combine literal text with embedded expressions, enabling developers to create dynamic strings with improved readability compared to traditional string concatenation. Here’s how string templates work:

  • Template Literals: String templates utilize special delimiters (typically ${}) to mark embedded expressions within the string.
  • Expression Evaluation: During string template processing, the Java runtime engine evaluates the embedded expressions and incorporates the results into the final string.
  • Improved Readability: String templates enhance readability by clearly separating literal text from expressions. This can be particularly beneficial for complex strings that involve multiple concatenations and logic evaluations.

Consider the following example of constructing a greeting message using traditional string concatenation:

String name = "Ayaan";
int age = 23;
String greeting = "Hello, my name is " + name + " and I am " + age + " years old.";

This approach can become cumbersome for more complex scenarios. With string templates, the greeting message can be written more concisely and readable:

String name = "Ayaan";
int age = 23;
String greeting = "Hello, my name is ${name} and I am ${age} years old.";

8. Unnamed Variables and Patterns

Unnamed variables and patterns are syntactic sugar that enhance code readability. They allow developers to omit variable names when the value is not used or when patterns are employed for matching purposes only. This can be particularly beneficial in scenarios with:

  • Complex Conditional Statements: Unnamed variables can be used within conditional expressions where the resulting value is not explicitly assigned to a variable but rather used for comparison or logical operations.
  • Destructuring Assignments: When destructuring assignments involve elements that are not required for further processing, unnamed patterns can be used to discard those elements, improving code conciseness.

This article has explored some of the major features and changes introduced in JDK 22. These features aim to streamline development processes, enhance code readability, and boost overall Java performance.

To explore the complete list of features and changes in JDK 22, refer to the official documentation:

JDK 22 Release Notes: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/22all-relnotes.html

JDK 22: New Features of Java 22

JDK 22 release has been much awaited by the Java landscape which continues to witness modifications. The latest installation of JDK has more than enough technical improvements aimed at giving developers more control, simplifying development processes, and developing brand-new paradigms for high-performance Java application creation.

With this article, we want to introduce the developers, to the world of JDK 22. For each feature, we will be discussing in detail with code snippets and explanations that will help one understand them better. Basically, you will be ready to apply these innovations in your further growth as a Java developer.

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