JavaScript Map

Maps are used to store data in key-value pairs where keys are used to uniquely identify an element and values contain the data associated with it.


new Map([it]);

Example: In this example, we will implement a map.


let sample = new Map();
sample.set("name", "Ram");
sample.set("Role", "SDE")
sample.set("Country", "India")
for (let item of sample) {


[ 'name', 'Ram' ]
[ 'Role', 'SDE' ]
[ 'Country', 'India' ]

Set vs Map in JavaScript

In JavaScript, Set and Map are two types of objects that are used for storing data in an ordered manner. Both these data structures are used to store distinct types of data inside the same object. In Maps, the data is stored as a key-value pair whereas in Set data is a single collection of values that are unique.

Let’s learn about the uses of these two data structures.

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