JavaScript in Operator

The in-operator in JavaScript checks if a specified property exists in an object or if an element exists in an array. It returns a Boolean value.


prop in object

Example 1: Here is the basic example of using in operator.


let languages = ["HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript"];
// true (index 1 exists in the array)
console.log(1 in languages);
// false (index 3 doesn't exist in the array)
console.log(3 in languages);



Example 2: In this example, we are using in operator to check if the “name” property exists (true) and if the “address” property doesn’t exist (false).


const Data = {
    name: "Rahul",
    age: 21,
    city: "Noida"
// true ("name" property exists in the object)
console.log("name" in Data);
// false ("gender" property doesn't exist in the object)
console.log("address" in Data);



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JavaScript Relational Operators are used to compare their operands and determine the relationship between them. They return a Boolean value (true or false) based on the comparison result.

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