Isotopes Definition

Isotopes are defined as the variant of an element that has the same atomic number but a different mass number, i.e. any two elements having the same mass number but different atomic numbers are called the isotopes of one another the isotopes are the elements that have the same chemical properties but different physical properties. There exist Isotopes of various elements. The isotopes of Carbon are,

  • C-12 (This has 12 nucleons in its nucleus)
  • C-13 (This has 13 nucleons in its nucleus)
  • C-14 (This has 14 nucleons in its nucleus)

Similarly, we have various isotopes of hydrogen that are discussed in the article below.

Learn more about, Isotopes

Isotopes of Hydrogen

Isotopes of an atom are variants of the same atom but with different mass numbers. That is if two atoms have the same atomic number but different mass numbers then they are called the isotopes of one another. Various examples of the isotopes are the isotopes of hydrogen, we have three different isotopes of hydrogen, called tritium, deuterium, and protium. We know that the atomic number of hydrogen is 1 so all these atoms have 1 atomic number but the mass number of each isotope is 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

In this article, we will learn about, what are isotopes, isotopes of hydrogen, and others in detail.

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