
Islam is the world’s second-largest religion, with over 1.8 billion followers, representing roughly 24.1% of the global population. Muslims, as adherents are called, are the majority in 49 countries.

Origins and Beliefs:

Islam emerged in 7th-century Arabia, centered on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe Muhammad to be the last prophet in a long line of prophets sent by God, including Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. The core tenets of Islam are outlined in the Quran, believed to be the direct word of God revealed to Muhammad over a 23-year period.

The Five Pillars of Islam are the foundational practices of the faith:

  • Shahada (Declaration of Faith): Proclaiming “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God.”
  • Salat (Prayer): Performing five daily prayers facing the Kaaba in Mecca.
  • Zakat (Almsgiving): Donating a portion of one’s wealth to the poor and needy.
  • Sawm (Fasting): Abstaining from food, drink, and sexual activity during the holy month of Ramadan.
  • Hajj (Pilgrimage): Making at least one pilgrimage to Mecca if physically and financially able.

Scriptures and Practices:

The Quran is the central religious text of Islam, believed to be God’s uncorrupted word revealed to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. Muslims revere the Quran as a source of divine guidance and wisdom, and its verses are recited in daily prayers and memorized by many believers.

Alongside the Quran, the teachings and sayings of Prophet Muhammad, known as Hadith, provide additional guidance on Islamic law and ethics. These are compiled in collections called Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, considered the most reliable sources of Hadith.

Islamic practices vary somewhat across different denominations, but some common elements include:

  • Mosques: Serving as centers for prayer, community gatherings, and religious instruction.
  • Jummah (Friday Prayer): A congregational prayer held on Fridays, considered the holiest day of the week in Islam.
  • Dietary Restrictions: Prohibiting the consumption of pork and alcohol.
  • Modesty: Emphasizing modest clothing that covers the body from certain areas.

Diversity and Denominations:

Islam is a diverse religion with two main branches: Sunni and Shia. Sunnis represent roughly 85-90% of Muslims globally, while Shias make up about 10-15%. Differences primarily lie in their interpretations of religious leadership after the Prophet Muhammad’s death.

Global Impact:

Islam has had a profound impact on world history, shaping societies, cultures, and civilizations for centuries. It has influenced art, architecture, literature, science, and philosophy, leaving behind a rich legacy of intellectual and cultural achievements.

Challenges and Future:

In the 21st century, Islam faces challenges like extremism, Islamophobia, and internal divisions. However, the faith continues to adapt and evolve, finding new ways to engage with the contemporary world and address pressing issues.


Islam, with its rich history, diverse traditions, and emphasis on faith, community, and social justice, remains a powerful force in the world today. As it navigates the complexities of the modern world, its influence is likely to continue shaping the lives of millions for generations to come.

The World’s Major Religions and Religious Group

Every aspect of our surroundings, including the solutions we look for to the questions of the universe’s beginnings and our place in it, is influenced by religion. The ideas of spirituality, organised religion, and morality affect everyone, regardless of their level of faith. They produce historical accounts, power dynamics, and cultural institutions. They can also result in the progress of social justice, ethical reform, and intellectual creativity. Despite the fact that there are thousands of distinct religions, the five oldest are typically considered to be the major world religions.

Data of World’s Major Religions 2022

Table of Content

  • Islam
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Judaism

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Wrapping up

These five religions might be considered to represent the five major world religions because they are among the oldest and most extensively practiced. Each has a variety of traditions, and there are numerous religions as well. Over the past few decades, the world has become more secular. Nevertheless, 84% of people worldwide identify as belonging to a religious group, and religion continues to play a significant role in many people’s lives. The world’s major religions all have different fertility rates and young populations, and individuals are also changing their religious affiliations, which is causing a rapid change in the religious landscape....

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