Inverse of Cosine Function

The inverse of a cosine function known as arc-cosine function and abbreviated as arccos(x) or cos-1(x) is defined as follows

cos(x) = y

⇒ cos-1(y) = x

Domain and Range of Inverse Cosine Function

The domain and range of Inverse cosine Function are mentioned below:

  • Domain of Inverse Cosine Function: All real numbers in range [-1, 1]
  • Range of Inverse Cosine Function: All real numbers in range [0, π]

Cosine Function

the Cosine function or the cos function in short is one of the six Trigonometric Functions fundamental to trigonometry. Cosine in Trigonometry is given as the ratio of the base to the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle. Cosine Function is represented as Cos x where x is the angle for which the cosine ratio is calculated. In terms of function, we can say that x is the input or the domain of the cosine function.

It is extensively used in a wide range of subjects like Physics, Geometry, and Engineering among others generally by leveraging its periodic nature. For example, it is used to define the wave nature of sound waves, calculations of electric flux through a plane surface, etc. In this article, we learn in detail about what is cosine function, the domain and range of the cosine function, the period, and the graph of the cosine function.

Table of Content

  • What is the Cosine Function?
  • Cos in Unit Circle
  • Cosine Function Graph
  • Inverse of cosine function
  • Cosine Function in Calculus
  • Cos Function Identities

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Summary – Cosine Function

The cosine function, denoted as cos(x), is a fundamental trigonometric function defined as the ratio of the base to the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle and is essential across various fields like physics, engineering, and geometry due to its periodic nature, which is instrumental in modeling wave behaviors. It has a domain of all real numbers and a range from -1 to 1, repeating its cycle every 2π radians or 360 degrees, evident from its wave-like graph that starts at (0,1). In terms of calculus, the derivative of cos(x) is − sin(x), and its integral yields sin(x)+C, with C as the constant of integration. This function also extends to hyperbolic forms, such as cosh(x), enhancing its application in various mathematical contexts and solutions, including wave calculations and oscillations in physical systems....

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