Introduction To Jainism

The word ‘Jain’ originated from jina or jaina meaning ‘Conqueror’. Jainism was founded by Lord Mahavira in the 6th century in the north India. He was the 24th Jain Tirthankara. There were 24 Tirthankaras & the first Tirthankara was Rishabhanath. These Tirthankara were spiritual teachers who attained moksha (liberation) and guided others on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

Teachings of Jainism

  • Jainism believed in ahimsa (Non-violence) and advocated a life of austerity.
  • It believed in a simple life and minimized attachment to possessions which is Aparigraha.
  • Believed in Karma & Transmission of Soul.
  • It did not believe in the existence of God.
  • Followed the path of Satya which is to uphold truthfulness in speech and actions.
  • Jainism believes that truth and reality are complex and have multiple aspects known as Anekantavada.
  • It rejected the authority of the Vedas.
  • It promoted equality but did not condemn the Varna system.

Five Doctrines of Jainism

  1. Ahimsa: Non-injury to a living being
  2. Satya: Do not speak a lie
  3. Asteya: Do not steal
  4. Aparigraha: Do not acquire property.
  5. Brahmacharya: Observe continence

Similarities and Differences Between Buddhism and Jainism

In this article, we will learn the history of Buddhism and Jainism, by highlighting both similarities and differences between the two religions, rooted in their principles. Jainism and Buddhism are ancient religions that originated in the 6th century in Magadha (Bihar).

Both Jainism and Buddhism emerged as religious reform movements during the later Vedic period and rejected traditional Hindu ideas and the caste system. It believed in the principle of non-violence (ahimsa), karma, and the cycle of rebirth. However, they differ in their approach to these shared principles. Jainism, advocated a life of austerity and non-violence while Buddhism followed the Middle Path.

Table of Content

  • Difference Between Jainism and Buddhism
  • Similarities Between Jainism and Buddhism
  • Introduction To Jainism
  • Introduction To Buddhism
  • Cause for the Emergence of Jainism and Buddhism
  • FAQs on Similarities & Differences Between Buddhism and Jainism

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