Introduction of Separate Electorate in India

A separate electorate was introduced in the Indian Council Act of 1909, popularly known as Morley-Minto reform, for the first time in the history of India. In this act, Muslims were favored as they were given representation in the areas where their population was very less in comparison to other communities. These areas were reserved for the separate electorates. It was further extended in the Montague-Chelmsford reforms of 1919, where not only the communal electorate of 1909 was continued but it was also extended to other communities like Sikhs, Indian-Christians, Anglo-Indians, and Europeans. Now apart from Muslims, Sikhs, Indian-Christian, Anglo-Indians, etc could also choose their leaders through a separate electorate. 

Ideological Differences Between Gandhi and Ambedkar

The depressed classes so-called untouchables were one of the most debatable topics during the 1930s because of discussion on the separate electorate to the depressed classes. Gandhi and Ambedkar both declared themselves the leader of the depressed classes in India. They both shared many ideas, although in many ways they had different beliefs. There is a striking resemblance in symbolism inherent in some of the actions of both individuals. Gandhi who always talked about the unity of the Indian people, showed his beliefs towards Joint Electorates, whereas Ambedkar, who was born in a depressed class and was the victim of untouchability during his life, saw depressed classes as a religious minority in India and advocated the separate electorates and reserved seats in the Imperial Legislative Council at Round Table Conferences.

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