Interview Round 2

After enduring another significant wait, the second round commenced at 5:30 PM. Following the customary introduction, the conversation delved into my SQL knowledge based on the projects listed on my resume. Admitting my limited depth in these technologies, we promptly shifted focus to problem-solving.

  1. Identifying a Loop in a Linked List
    The first question involved detecting a loop in a linked list. I presented two approaches: a brute force method, marking visited nodes, and an optimized approach using slow and fast pointers. The latter, as described in w3wiki [here], was well-received. She was satisfied with the approach and didn’t ask me to code.
  2. Minimum Cost to Cut a Board into Squares
    The second question revolved around determining the minimum cost to cut a board into squares, given the price array of both vertical and horizontal cuts. My approach involved sorting cuts in descending order to prioritize higher-cost cuts. The solution and code can be found on w3wiki [here]. The interviewer expressed satisfaction with the approach and my code, and the round concluded with a discussion on work-life balance.

Goldman Sachs Interview Experience for Internship (Off-Campus) 2024

After Successfully clearing the Aptitude and Technical round test, My interview was scheduled to be on 11th December 2023.

On the 11th of December 2023, my eagerly anticipated Goldman Sachs internship interview took place, scheduled between 12:15 PM to 8 PM. Despite some delays, my virtual entry into the Zoom meeting marked the beginning of an intense day, starting with an unexpected wait in a breakout room shared by nearly 40 students. Finally, at around 2:30 PM, my turn for the interview arrived.

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Interview Round 2:

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Interview Round 3:I

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