Intermediate DevOps Interview Questions and Answer

31. What is Component-Based Model (CBM) in DevOps?

The component-based assembly model uses object-oriented technologies. In object-oriented technologies, the emphasis is on the creation of classes. Classes are the entities that encapsulate data and algorithms. In component-based architecture, classes (i.e., components required to build application) can be uses as reusable components.

32. How to Make a CI-CD Pipeline in Jenkins?

DevOps professionals mostly work with pipelines because pipelines can automate processes like building, testing, and deploying the application. With the help of Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipeline scripts we can automate the whole process which will increase productivity save lots of time for the organization and deliver quality applications to the end users.

33. What’s the difference between Chef and Puppet?



Ruby programming knowledge is needed to handle the management of Chef. DSL programming knowledge is needed to handle the management of Puppet.
Chef is mostly used by small and medium-sized companies for management. Large corporations and enterprises use Puppet for management.
There is no error visibility at installation time which results in difficulty. Error visibility at installation time is provided to ease the installation process.
The transmission process to establish communication in this software is slower as compared to Puppet. The transmission process to establish communication in this software is faster as compared to Chef.

34. What is Git Rebase?

Rebasing in Git is a process of integrating a series of commits on top of another base tip. It takes all the commits of a branch and appends them to the commits of a new branch.The main aim of rebasing is to maintain a progressively straight and cleaner project history. Rebasing gives rise to a perfectly linear project history that can follow the end commit of the feature all the way to the beginning of the project without even forking. This makes it easier to navigate your project.

The technical syntax of rebase command is:

git rebase [-i | --interactive] [ options ] [--exec cmd] [--onto newbase | --keep-base] [upstream [branch]]

35. What is Selenium Tool Suite?

Selenium is a very well-known open-source software suite, mainly used for testing web browsers and web applications by automating some processes. It comes with a set of tools and libraries that allow developers or testers to automate some functions related to web browsers and web applications. Selenium Tool suite consists of 4 major components:

  • Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Selenium Grid
  • Selenium Remote Control (Deprecated)

36. What is Selenium IDE?

Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is an open-source web testing solution. Selenium IDE is like a tool that records what you do on a website. Subsequently, these recorded interactions can be replayed as automated tests. You don’t need much programming skills to use it. Even if you’re not great at programming, you can still make simple automated tests with it.

37. What is Banker’s Algorithm in OS?

The banker’s algorithm is a resource allocation and deadlock avoidance algorithm that tests for safety by simulating the allocation for the predetermined maximum possible amounts of all resources, then makes an “s-state” check to test for possible activities, before deciding whether allocation should be allowed to continue.

38. How do you create a backup and copy files in Jenkins?

In Jenkins, create a backup by copying the JENKINS_HOME directory, which contains all configurations and job data. To copy files, use the sh or bat command in a pipeline script, such as sh 'cp source_file destination' for Unix or bat 'copy source_file destination' for Windows. Use plugins like “ThinBackup” for scheduled backups

39. Explain how you can set up a Jenkins job?

To set up a Jenkins job:

  1. Open Jenkins and log in with your credentials.
  2. Click “New Item” from the dashboard.
  3. Enter a name for your job and select the job type (e.g., Freestyle project).
  4. Click “OK” to create the job.
  5. Configure your job by adding a description, source code management details (e.g., Git repository), and build triggers.
  6. Add build steps, such as shell commands or invoking scripts.
  7. Save the job and click “Build Now” to run it.

40. Explain the architecture of Docker.

Docker architecture consists of several key components:

  1. Docker Client: Issues commands to the Docker daemon via a command-line interface (CLI).
  2. Docker Daemon (dockerd): Runs on the host machine, managing Docker objects like images, containers, networks, and volumes.
  3. Docker Images: Read-only templates used to create Docker containers.
  4. Docker Containers: Lightweight, portable, and executable instances created from Docker images.
  5. Docker Registry: Stores and distributes Docker images; Docker Hub is a popular public registry.
  6. Docker Compose: A tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications using a YAML file.
  7. Docker Networking: Allows containers to communicate with each other and with non-Docker environments.

DevOps Interview Questions and Answers

DevOps is a set of practices, principles, and tools that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). Its primary goal is to shorten the software development lifecycle and deliver high-quality software continuously. DevOps includes collaboration, communication, automation, continuous delivery, and integration between software developers and IT operations professionals to improve the speed, efficiency, and reliability of software delivery.

Here, we provide 50+ DevOps Interview Questions and Answers tailored for both freshers and experienced professionals with 3, 5, and 8 years of experience. Here, we cover everything, including Core DevOps concepts, Continuous Integration, containerization, orchestration, configuration management, monitoring, and more, that will surely help you to crack DevOps Interviews.

DevOps Interview Questions

Table of Content

  • Basic DevOps Interview Questions For Freshers
  • Intermediate DevOps Interview Questions and Answer
  • Advanced DevOps Interview Questions and Answer

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