Interactions between Components

Each component in WhatsApp’s system Architecture plays a crucial role in ensuring the performance and maintenance of the Web App. WhatsApp uses Erlang nodes in a distributed mechanism able to run on multiple servers. The FreeBSD Operating System provides a solid base for running all the components. Due to its high level of network optimization and performance, the infrastructure can handle high loads and provide a stable environment for BEAM operations.

  • Erlang Applications are executed on BEAM’S Virtual Machine (VM ). BEAM manages the execution of Erlang processes ensuring that they run efficiently and can communicate with each other.
  • Mnesia integrates with Erlang runtime leveraging Erlangs concurrency to provide fast access to distributed data. Erlang processes running on BEAM interact with Mnesia to update metadata.
  • When a user sends a message or performs any action, the request is received by one of the Erlang nodes. This node interacts with Mnesia to retrieve or update the relevant data.
  • The combination of Erlang’s high performance, BEAM’s efficient process management, and Mnesia’s distributed nature enables WhatsApp to handle massive amounts of concurrent connections and messages with low latency. All these operations are supported by the FreeBSD operating system ensuring system reliability.

How WhatsApp handles 50 billion messages a day?

In the ever-evolving world of Technology certain stories inspire us all, One such outstanding case is WhatsApp, the messaging giant that successfully supported a staggering 50 billion messages per day. Founded from humble beginnings in 2009 by Jan Koum, WhatsApp stands as a beacon of technological progress in the rapid pace of digital communication. In this article, we are going to delve into the architecture and system design of WhatsApp.

Important Topics to Understand WhatsApp handles 50 billion messages a day

  • Components of Whatsapp Architecture
  • Interactions between Components:
  • Scalability Challenges of Whatsapp Architecture

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