Intention and Motive

What’s the difference between intention and motive?

Intention is about what someone wants to do, while motive is why they want to do it. Intention focuses on the goal, while motive looks at the reason behind the goal.

Why does intention matter in legal cases?

Intention is important in legal cases because it helps determine if someone meant to do something wrong. It shows if they planned their actions or if it was an accident.

Can someone have a motive without intending to do something?

Yes, someone can have a reason to do something, even if they didn’t plan it. For example, they might steal to feed their family, even if they didn’t plan to steal.

How does motive affect how people behave?

Motive influences behavior by giving people a reason to act. It guides their decisions based on what they want to achieve or avoid.

Why is understanding intention and motive important?

Understanding intention and motive helps us understand why people do things. It helps in relationships, legal matters, and making fair judgments.

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Difference between Intention and Motive

Intention and motive are two fundamental concepts that shape human behavior and decision-making. Understanding the difference between intention and motive is crucial in legal matters. While they might seem similar, they differ in their actual meanings. Intention is about the purpose behind someone’s actions, like what they want to achieve. Motive, on the other hand, is the reason why someone does something. It’s important to know these differences because they help us understand why people act the way they do. In legal cases, knowing someone’s intention and motive can affect how they’re judged and what consequences they face. So, it’s essential to grasp these concepts for a fair legal analysis.

Table of Content

  • What is Intention?
  • What is Motive?
  • Difference between Intention and Motive
  • Conclusion
  • Difference between Intention and Motive- FAQs

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Difference between Intention and Motive

Basis Intention Motive Definition Intention is why someone does something, showing what they want to achieve. Motive is the reason behind someone’s actions, explaining why they choose to act. Focus It looks at the choices someone makes and their specific goals. It examines the broader reasons that drive someone’s behavior. Consciousness Intention involves making a decision on purpose to reach a certain outcome. Motive might not always involve a conscious decision but gives a reason for actions. Goal-oriented It’s about what someone wants to achieve through their actions. It helps understand why someone acts the way they do, regardless of specific goals. Legal Relevance Intention is important in legal matters for determining responsibility for a crime. Motive can provide context to actions and might affect how someone is punished. Proof Intention is easier to prove as it relies on evidence related to someone’s thoughts. Motive might need more investigation into someone’s background and circumstances. Importance Understanding intention helps assess someone’s mental state and responsibility. Knowing motive gives insight into someone’s behavior and their underlying reasons....


In conclusion, knowing the difference between intention and motive is important. Intention is about the goal of someone’s actions, while motive is the reason behind why they act. Both are crucial for understanding people’s behavior, especially in legal situations. By understanding these concepts, we can better understand why people do what they do, which helps us make fair judgments and decisions. It’s important to recognize these differences to navigate relationships and society better....

Intention and Motive- FAQs

What’s the difference between intention and motive?...

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