Installing Kate Text Editor on Linux

For installing Kate Text Editor on Linux, we have 3 different methods, As per our needs and requirements we can choose any of the methods and complete the installation easily. Below we have listed all three installation methods.

  • Method 1: Installing using APT Manager
  • Method 2: Installing using Snap Manager
  • Method 3: Installing using Software Center

Installing using APT Manager

Step 1: Firstly, we need to update the repositories using the APT manager. So we need to run the below command in the terminal and update the repositories.

sudo apt update

Updating the Repositories

Step 2: Once we have updated the repositories using the APT manager, then after we need to install the Kate Text Editor with the same package manager by executing the install command in the terminal.

sudo apt install kate

Installing Kate using APT

Step 3: We will be prompted to confirm the installation. So we need to enter the “Y” key on the keyboard to complete the installation.

Confirming Installation using the ‘Y’ key

Step 4: As our installation is completed, we can launch the application by searching it in All Applications, and in the search bar we can enter the editor name as Kate. Once we get the icon of the application, we need to click on it to open it for usage.

Searching Kate Application

Step 5: After clicking on the icon, the Kate Text Editor will be opened for usage, We can use it by entering the text or we can also code in the language as per our need.

Kate Application Launched

Installing using Snap Manager

Step 1: If you don’t want to install the application using APT Manager, then we can install it using an alternative package manager which is Snap Manager. To have a problem-free installation, we need to update the package manager using the below command.

sudo apt update

Updating the System

Step 2: Once we have updated the repositories, we need to execute the installation command using Snap Manager. This will install the Kate Text Editor on our system using Snap Manager.

sudo snap install kate --classic

Installing using Snap

Step 3: After installation is completed, we can run the below command in the same terminal or we can also follow the above method steps to launch the editor for usage. The editor will be launched and we can enter the text or code in any language as per our necessity.


Opening application using command

Installing using Software Center

Step 1: If we don’t want to install the application using the traditional methods of the terminal, we can also choose the GUI-based installation using the Software Center. So launch the Software Center from All Applications.

Opening Software Center

Step 2: Once the Software Center gets launched, in the search bar we need to give the input as “Kate“. This will give the result of the required application. We need to click on the application icon to open it for further installation. Once the application installation page is opened, we need to click on the Green Install button.

Clicking on the Green Install button

Step 3: After clicking on the Green Install Button we need to enter the System password to confirm the installation.

Entering the password to start the installation

Step 4: Our installation will be completed, so to launch the application we can search for the application in the All Applications section, and in the search bar we can enter the name of the editor as Kate.

Launching application

Step 5: After clicking on the icon of Editor, the application will be launched and we can perform the writing operation by making a new file or making chnages to an existing file.

Application Launched for Usage

Installing Kate text editor on Linux

In Linux, as there are various text editors like Vi and Vim, but all these editors are terminal-based, there is no responsive User Interface in these editors, so we can install UI-based text editors on Linux. There is one of the editors named Kate, which is a popular choice of many Linux users, as this editor is Open-software, it is free to use. There are different features added in this Text editor like syntax highlighting in more than 300 programming languages, also it supports code folding, indentation, line numbering, etc. So this editor is also beneficial for programmers. We can edit multiple documents at the same time by splitting the view of the interface. In this article, we will see how we can install Kate Text Editor on the Linux Operating System.

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In conclusion, installing Kate Text Editor on the Linux operating system is an easy and simple process where we can install it through different package managers like apt, snap, etc. Also, we can choose the GUI method to install by using the Software Center. After installation, we can access the application through the command or we can launch it through the application menu. Kate is a fully featured application that makes developers write code easily and also other uses to write versatile text for their requirements....

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