Installation of `stress` command in Linux

stress can be installed using package managers available on different linux systems. Here are the commands for a few popular distros –

For Fedora/Red Hat –

$ sudo dnf install stress

For Debian/Ubuntu –

$ sudo apt-get install stress

Here is a screenshot from the installation on Fedora –

Figure 1: Terminal output on Fedora, the result of stress command installation.

Once installed, you can reassure yourself using the command –

$ stress --version

If installed successfully, it outputs the version number (as shown in the screenshot below) –

Figure 2: Screenshot showing version number of stress on terminal

Linux stress command With Examples

This article introduces stress command, a command line tool available for Linux-based operating systems to evaluate the performance and reliability of a system under a variety of workloads by introducing stress (heavy load) to the system. First, we see the introduction, then the installation, and finally usage.

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stress is a simple yet powerful open-source command line tool to test a system under stress (heavy load). It can be used to stress hard disk, io, memory, and CPU in any POSIX-compliant operating system (such as Linux) and it will report any errors encountered while stressing. Moreover, we can combine multiple stress tests together and/or configure the magnitude of each separately too....

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