Installation and Pre-requisites

Neofetch requires Git and Terminal. Git is installed by default in Mac OS and Linux. Windows users can visit this link and download the appropriate file according to their system configurations. All the operating systems have terminals by default, possibly with different names but they have it. 

Unix-like and Linux systems:

Note that using sudo commands requires password authentication for storage permissions.

  • Ubuntu-based systems: Open a terminal window and enter the following apt command.
sudo apt install neofetch
  • Debian-based systems: Open a terminal window and enter the following apt-get command.
sudo apt-get install neofetch
  • Arch-based systems: Open a terminal window and enter the following pacman command.
sudo pacman -S neofetch
  • Fedora-based systems: Open a terminal window and enter the following dnf command.
sudo dnf install neofetch
  • Mac systems: Open a terminal window and enter the following brew command, to check if the brew is installed on your system or not type the “brew -v” command in your terminal, it should display the version number of the installed brew package in your system.
brew install neofetch

Now, type neofetch in your terminal to run Neofetch.

Neofetch inside a Ubuntu-based distro.

Windows systems:

  • For Windows 10: Open PowerShell by searching in the start menu.
  • For Windows 11: We have a terminal here which by default opens PowerShell instance or if it’s not there pressed that down arrow icon and select PowerShell.

Click on that arrow and select PowerShell instance. 

  • Once in PowerShell, type the following command and press ENTER, in order to install scoop:
iwr -useb | iex

you might get an error stating as follows:


Just type Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser and press ENTER.

  • Now Open the command prompt and type the following command and press ENTER:
scoop install neofetch

Now, type neofetch in the terminal to run Neofetch:

Neofetch inside windows

Neofetch In Linux – Snap cool screenshots of your Linux

Neofetch is a fancy, highly customizable, and aesthetic command-line system information screenshot utility tool. Written in the Bash scripting language, it works inside a terminal window, on triggering up the command it by default displays the operating system, software, and hardware of your system on the right side of the column alongside an ASCII image of the logo of your operating system on the left side of the column. 

Neofetch is not a system diagnostics tool, instead, it’s a tool to show off your system configurations and specifications to other people who want to see that.

Neofetch currently supports more than 150 operating systems including Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Unix-like, and other DOS systems. Neofetch allows a wide range of customizations too, you can edit the ASCII image shown and the system information that is displayed. So, in order to experience this amazing Neofetch let’s install it hands-on.

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Installation and Pre-requisites:

Neofetch requires Git and Terminal. Git is installed by default in Mac OS and Linux. Windows users can visit this link and download the appropriate file according to their system configurations. All the operating systems have terminals by default, possibly with different names but they have it....

For customizations and tweaks:

You can change what’s displayed by using command-line flags, to know about all the accepted flags type use the following command:...


In this article we have discussed about the neofetch which is a powerful utility for Linux users to display the system information and create visually looking good screenshots. One can easily install it in their system by going throught this article. Overall, we can say that neofetch provides a fun and engaging experience for Linux enthusiast and system administrators alike....

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