Inputs and Outputs of Iteration Planning

Inputs and outputs of iteration planning in Agile software development typically include:


  • Product Backlog: A prioritized list of features, user stories, or tasks that need to be completed over the course of the project.
  • Velocity: The teamā€™s historical velocity, which represents the amount of work the team can typically complete in one iteration. It helps the team estimate how much work they can commit to for the upcoming iteration.
  • Stakeholder Feedback: Input from stakeholders, such as product owners or customers, regarding their priorities and preferences for the upcoming iteration.
  • Team Capacity: The availability of team members and their capacity to take on work during the iteration.
  • Definition of Done: Criteria that must be met for a task to be considered complete, ensuring that the team delivers high-quality work.


  • Iteration Plan: A detailed plan outlining the tasks or user stories to be completed during the iteration, along with their estimated effort, assignments, and dependencies.
  • Task Breakdown: Tasks are broken down into smaller, more manageable units of work, clarifying the specific steps needed to complete each task.
  • Effort Estimates: Estimates of the effort required to complete each task, typically measured in story points or time-based estimates.
  • Task Assignments: Tasks are assigned to individual team members based on their skills, availability, and capacity.
  • Sprint Goal: A clear and concise statement of what the team aims to accomplish during the iteration, providing focus and direction for their work.
  • Iteration Backlog: The subset of items from the product backlog that the team commits to completing during the iteration. This forms the basis for tracking progress and measuring the teamā€™s success during the iteration.

These inputs and outputs enable Agile teams to effectively plan and execute their work during each iteration, ensuring that they deliver value incrementally and iteratively throughout the project.

Iteration Planning

Iteration planning is generally a process of adapting as the project unfolds by making alterations to plans. Plans are changed simply based on feedback from the monitoring process, some changes on project assumptions, risks, and changes in scope, budget, or schedule. It is essential to include the team in the planning process. Planning is generally concerned with explaining and defining the actual sequence of intermediate results. It is an event where each team member identifies how much of the team backlog, they can commit to delivering during an upcoming iteration.

In this article, we are going to learn Iteration Planning in depth.

Iteration Planning

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Conclusion: Iteration Planning

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Iteration Planning: FAQs

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