Initiatives of Govt. to Control Fly-Ash Related Issues

  • The GOI has launched a web portal and a mobile application called Ash-track to track and ensure 100% utilization of fly ash produced from thermal power plants.
  • The Indian government is now heading towards green hydrogen, as the main fuel to generate electricity, as it’s a cleaner fuel and has zero carbon footprints, and produces no ash.
  • The government is also organizing events and programs and encouraging people to develop new techniques on fly ash utilization.
  • The government of India has also asked NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation) to develop a continuous transportation system that directly delivers fly ash produced from thermal power plants to the cement industries.

Environmental and Health Impact of Fly ash

Air pollution has increased significantly in almost all the regions of India in the past few years, and most of it is accounted for by industries and power plants. Power plants and many industries release their byproduct into the atmosphere which may constitute harmful gases, fly ash, etc. In recent times many cases have been reported in India where fly ash from the thermal power plants is getting carried out by air in the nearby villages and causing air and water pollution also leading to the death of many aquatic creatures. Recently a case was reported in Kosasthalaiyar where ash carrying pipeline of the North Chennai Thermal Power Station (NCTPS) leaked and resulted in severe water pollution. 

According to a report in 2018-19 only 78% of the total fly ash produced in India has been utilized. 

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