Inheritance of One Gene

We can understand this concept through one of Mendel’s experiments, where he crossed tall and dwarf pea plants to study the inheritance of one gene.

  • 1st Generation – He took one tall pea and one dwarf pea, as parents and got all tall peas, with no dwarf plants. 
  • 2nd Generation – In the next experiment, he took the seed of tall peas from the first generation and got a mix of dwarf and tall pea plants. 

Based on these observations, he proposed that both genes are passed down to generations in the form of alleles. He called these things as ‘factors’, Now we call them genes. When two parents are not similar, one of the gene traits is dominant while the other is recessive in a child. 

His observation on monohybrid crosses led to Principals or laws of Inheritance, we will discuss two in this article. 

Inheritance of One Gene Notes

We never wonder why Lion can give birth to Lions only, or why a bird can reproduce in the same species and no other species. Not everything is possible, Isn’t it?  Also, No human being look exactly identical, even with twins there are differences in every individual. Some siblings look similar while at the same time, some look really different. 

Have you ever thought about who causes all these differences? All these questions are answered in the branch of science named Genetics. In this article, we will know more about the Inheritance of one gene. 

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