Indexing the Data Frame

To access the particular data in the Data Frame use square brackets and specify the column name or row numbers, and column numbers to fetch. Let’s look into the syntaxes of different ways of indexing a data frame.

# fetching the data in particular column

# fetching data of specified rows and 
# columns
data[ fromRow : toRow , columnNumber]

# fetches first row to third row 
# and second column
Eg:- data[1:3,2]  


In the below code we created a data frame and performed indexing on it by fetching the data in the specified rows and particular columns.


# create a data frame 
stats <- data.frame(player=c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'),
                runs=c(100, 200, 408, NA),
                wickets=c(17, 20, NA, 5))
print("stats Dataframe")
# fetch data in certain column
# fetch certain rows and columns


"stats Dataframe"
  player runs wickets
1      A  100      17
2      B  200      20
3      C  408      NA
4      D   NA       5
1      A
2      B
3      C
4      D
100 200 408

How to create, index and modify Data Frame in R?

In this article, we will discuss how to create a Data frame, index, and modify the data frame in the R programming language.

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