Important Terminologies of Frequency

Before moving into the ways of determining and calculating frequency, it is essential to understand critical terminology associated with this concept.

More vs Less Frequency

  • Period (T): Period designates the timespan required to complete a full cycle or oscillation. It represents the reciprocal of frequency, denoted as [Tex]T = \frac{1}{f} [/Tex], where ‘f’ signifies frequency in Hertz. For instance, if a wave boasts a frequency of 5 Hz, its period spans 1/5 seconds or 0.2 seconds.
  • Amplitude: Amplitude signifies the maximum displacement of a wave from its equilibrium position. In the context of sound waves, it establishes sound loudness, while in electrical signals, it embodies peak voltage or current levels.
  • Wavelength (λ): Wavelength conveys the spatial gap between consecutive points in a wave that align in phase, like two crests or two troughs. Wavelength manifests an inverse correlation with frequency, expressed as [Tex]λ = \frac{c}{f} [/Tex], with ‘c’ representing wave speed.
  • Angular Frequency (ω): Angular frequency offers an alternative way of articulating frequency, frequently employed in trigonometric equations. It corresponds to frequency through ω = 2πf, where ‘ω’ denotes angular frequency in radians per second, and ‘f’ signifies frequency in Hertz.
  • Harmonics: Within sound or waveforms, harmonics materialize as whole-number multiples of the fundamental frequency. They enrich sound or wave character. For instance, the second harmonic of a vibrating guitar string oscillates at twice the frequency of the primary tone.

What is Frequency?

If you are doing engineering, studying physics, or electronics, you must have read the word frequency. It quantifies the repetitions of a recurring event within a specific timeframe. Although it appears straightforward, frequency carries significant implications across diverse domains, including electrical engineering, musical theory, and more. In this article, we will understand what is it, why it is used, and what terms are used for calculating frequency in an easy manner.

Table of Content

  • What is Frequency?
  • Important Terminologies of Frequency
  • How to determine frequency?
  • Solved examples
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Frequency
  • Applications of Frequency

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