Important Points About Procedures in SQL

  • A procedure in PL/SQL is a subprogram that can take parameters and be called to perform a specific action.
  • Procedures are executed just like SQL statements.
  • Procedures have two parts the specification (spec) and the body. The spec begins with the PROCEDURE keyword and ends with the procedure name and optional parameter list. The body begins with IS (or AS) and ends with END followed by an optional procedure name
  • They enhance performance by reducing network traffic between the application and database.

Procedures in PL/SQL

A Procedure in PL/SQL is a subprogram containing a series of declarative SQL statements that can take parameters and be called to perform a specific action.

These PL/SQL procedures are stored in the database catalog. A procedure can be thought of as a function or a method. They can be invoked through triggers, other procedures, or applications on Java, PHP, etc.

All the statements of a block are passed to the Oracle engine all at once which increases processing speed and decreases the traffic.

Here, we will learn about Procedures in PL/SQL with examples and learn how to create, modify, and delete procedures. It is a very important concept of database and you might face several PL/SQL Procedure interview questions during the job hunt, so understand the concept carefully.

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Advantages of Procedures

They result in performance improvement of the application. If a procedure is being called frequently in an application in a single connection, then the compiled version of the procedure is delivered. They reduce the traffic between the database and the application since the lengthy statements are already fed into the database and need not be sent again and again via the application. They add to code reusability, similar to how functions and methods work in other languages such as C/C++ and Java....

Disadvantages of Procedures

Stored procedures can cause a lot of memory usage. The database administrator should decide an upper bound as to how many stored procedures are feasible for a particular application. MySQL does not provide the functionality of debugging the stored procedures....

Important Points About Procedures in SQL

A procedure in PL/SQL is a subprogram that can take parameters and be called to perform a specific action. Procedures are executed just like SQL statements. Procedures have two parts the specification (spec) and the body. The spec begins with the PROCEDURE keyword and ends with the procedure name and optional parameter list. The body begins with IS (or AS) and ends with END followed by an optional procedure name They enhance performance by reducing network traffic between the application and database....

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