Importance of Rejuvenation of Rivers

Developmental activities like as road network growth, hydropower project construction, and agricultural expansion have all had an impact on rivers and basins. The most common problems are:

All of these difficulties have contributed to the rivers’ poor health, which is seen in both the amount and quality of water. This has implications for agricultural production, livelihood security, public health, and aquatic systems.

Why we need Rejuvenation of Rivers?

  1. Biodiversity Preservation: Rivers host a diverse range of plant and animal species, many of which rely on aquatic habitats for existence. By conserving and restoring rivers, we maintain and promote biodiversity, preserve fragile habitats, and ensure the survival of many species.
  2. Improvement in Water Quality: Pollution from diverse sources, including agricultural runoff, industrial discharges, and urban garbage, endangers the health of rivers. Conservation and rejuvenation projects aim to improve water quality by lowering pollution levels, improving filtering systems, and restoring natural cleansing processes. Clean water is required for human use, agriculture, and the survival of aquatic ecosystems.
  3. Flood Mitigation: Degraded rivers are more prone to flooding, which can have disastrous repercussions for both populations and ecosystems. River conservation projects may include restoring natural floodplains, enhancing channel morphology, and introducing flood control systems. These measures to reduce flood hazards improve public safety, protect property, and defend important infrastructure.
  4. Sustainable Water Management: Rivers are essential sources of fresh water for drinking, irrigation, industrial activities, and environmental purposes. However, irresponsible water usage, combined with climate change-induced changes in precipitation patterns, endangers the availability and reliability of water supplies. Conservation and rejuvenation projects encourage sustainable water management methods, ensuring equal access to water while preserving ecological integrity.
  5. Cultural and Recreational Value: Rivers are significant sources of cultural and recreational value in many communities. They serve as sources of inspiration, spiritual connection, and historical legacy. Rivers offer various leisure activities such as fishing, boating, swimming, and environmental enjoyment. By conserving and renewing rivers, we can preserve cultural and recreational assets while also enhancing the quality of life for present and future generations.
  6. Ecosystem Services: Healthy rivers offer a range of essential ecosystem services including water purification, nitrogen cycling, sediment transport, and habitat provision. These services are crucial for human well-being, agricultural productivity, and the sustainability of natural ecosystems. Conservation and rejuvenation activities play a vital role in safeguarding these essential ecosystem services, ensuring the resilience and productivity of riverine ecosystems.

River Rejuvenation Projects in India

River rejuvenation Projects often aim to restore the health and functionality of rivers that have been deteriorated by human activities such as pollution, damming, deforestation, and urbanization. These initiatives seek to improve water quality, increase aquatic ecosystems, restore natural flow patterns, and lessen the effects of flooding.

The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC ) has proposed the rejuvenation of 13 major rivers across the country. They released Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) on river rejuvenation. Rivers include Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, Sutlej, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Luni, Narmada, Godavari, Mahanadi, Krishna, and Kaveri.

Let us learn more!

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River Rejuvenation Projects in India Map


List of River Rejuvenation Projects in India

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