Importance of Biodiversity

The importance of biodiversity is as follows:

  • Essential for the health of ecosystems: Biodiversity is necessary to sustain the ecological processes such as nutrient cycling and climate regulation that make the planet habitable.
  • Essential for the production of food: All crops are domesticated versions of plants originally found in the wild. Many animals, including cattle, pigs, and chickens, were also once wild and domesticated by humans.
  • Essential for scientific research: Biodiversity allows us to study the relationships between different groups of animals and plants, which can lead to new discoveries.
  • Essential for cultural reasons: Biodiversity is culturally important to us because it allows people to maintain traditional lifestyles that can be significantly affected by environmental changes. Biodiversity also plays an important role in the literary and religious traditions of various cultures.

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What factors are responsible for the distribution of plants and animals in India?

The diversity of different species on  Earth is called plant and animal biodiversity. The term biodiversity was given by Walter G. Rosen in 1986 and the literal meaning of the word is biodiversity. Studying the concept of biodiversity involves counting the total number of species living in a particular area. The study of plant and animal diversity will lead to awareness of many organisms and will help conserve endangered species. There is a level of research on biodiversity because the level of research depends on the type of organism that inhabits a particular region of the ecosystem and the region we are looking at. Previously, the term “biodiversity” was used to refer to concepts such as “species abundance” or “species diversity”. Biologists have also referred to biodiversity as “the relationship of genes, species, and ecosystems throughout a particular region”.

Factors responsible for the Distribution of Flora and fauna

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