Import CSV file in MongoDB

In MongoDB, we can also import csv file into two ways:

  • With header row
  • Without header row

1. With header row: We can import data with header row with the help of –header that shows the name of the fields will use the first line of the CSV file.


mongoimport –db database_name –collection collection_name –type csv –file file_location –header


We have the following CSV file called student.csv:

Import data from CSV file:

mongoimport –db gfg –collection student –type csv –file H:\students.csv –header

After import data:

2. Without header row: We can import data without header row by excluding –header. But in the place of the header, we have to put –fields that show the name of the field that we want to give. Field names are separated by a comma.


mongoimport –db database_name –collection collection_name –type csv –fields field_names –file file_location


We have the following CSV file called student.csv:

Import data from CSV file:

mongoimport –db gfg –collection student –type csv –fields name,age –file H:\students.csv

After import data:

Import data to MongoDB

MongoDB provides a special tool that is used to import data in the MongoDB and the tool is known as mongoimport. Using this tool you are allowed to import the files like JSON, CSV, or TSV in the MongoDB database. Generally, the mongoimport utility is present in the bin folder of mongodb but if it is not present in your system then you can install using the following steps: 

Step 1: To use mongoimport tool we have to first download the MongoDB database tools .zip file from here. Here, we are going to download it for windows. 

Step 2: After downloading the zip file and unzip the downloaded folder.

Step 3: Goto MongoDB bin folder and copy-paste the bin folders all .exe files into the MongoDB bin folder[C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin]. 

And now we are ready to use mongoimport tool.

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