Implementation of the above Example using Builder Design Pattern

Implementation user Class:


//Blueprint for creating a new user using User class
class User {                                    
  constructor(name) {                       = name;
    this.age = null;
    this.weight = null;
    this.address = null;
    this.gender = null;
  // Method to set Age of the user
  setAge(age) {                                 
      this.age = age;
      return this;   // Return the object for method chaining
  // Method to set the Weight of the user
  setWeight(weight) {                          
    this.weight = weight;
    return this;    // Return the object for method chaining
  // Method to set the Address of the user
  setAddress(address) {
    this.address = address;
    return this;   // Return the object for method chaining
  // Method to set the gender of user
  setGender(gender) {
    this.gender = gender;
    return this;    // Return the object for method chaining
  //Method to finalize the user creation
  build() {
    if (! {
      throw Error('Name is required');
    return this;   // Return the object for method chaining
  printUser() {
    return `User: { name: ${}, age: ${this.age}, weight: ${this.weight}, address: ${this.address}, gender: ${this.gender} }`;
// Usage
const user = new User('Abhishek').setAge(30).setGender('Male').build();

Note: In build method, we have only checked for name but we can also add more checks

Explanation of the above example using Builder Design Pattern:

User Class Definition:


class User {
  constructor(name) { = name;
    this.age = null;
    this.weight = null;
    this.address = null;
    this.gender = null;

Here, a User class is defined with a constructor that takes a name parameter and initializes other user attributes (age, weight, address, gender) to null.

Setting User Attributes:


setAge(age) {
  this.age = age;
  return this
setWeight(weight) {
  this.weight = weight;
  return this
setAddress(address) {
  this.address = address;
  return this
setGender(gender) {
  this.gender = gender;
  return this;

These set methods allow you to set the user’s age, weight, address, and gender. They update the corresponding attributes and return the object to enable method chaining.

Finalizing User Creation:


build() {
  if (! {
    throw Error('Name is required');
  }return this;     // Return the object for method chaining

The build method is used to finalize user creation. It checks if the name is provided and throws an error if it’s not. It returns the object to allow method chaining.

Printing User Information:


printUser() {
  return `User: { name: ${}, age: ${this.age}, weight: ${this.weight}, address: ${this.address}, gender: ${this.gender} }`;

The printUser method generates a string representation of the user’s information.



const user = new User('Abhishek').setAge(30).setGender('Male').build();

This creates a new user with the name “Abhishek”, sets the age to 30, and sets the gender to “Male”. Then the build method is called to finalize user creation. Finally, the printUser method is used to print the user’s information to the console.


User: { name: Abhishek, age: 30, weight: null, address: null, gender: Male }

Implementation using Function:


// Factory function to create a user object
function createUser(name) {
  const user = {
    age: null,
    weight: null,
    address: null,
    gender: null,
    // Method to set the age of the user
    setAge(age) {
      this.age = age;
      return this;     // Return the object for method chaining
    // Method to set the weight of the user
    setWeight(weight) {
      this.weight = weight;
      return this;     // Return the object for method chaining
    // Method to set the address of the user
    setAddress(address) {
      this.address = address;
      return this;    // Return the object for method chaining
    // Method to set the gender of the user
    setGender(gender) {
      this.gender = gender;
      return this;   // Return the object for method chaining
    // Method to finalize the user creation
    build() {
      if (! {
        throw Error('Name is required'); // Validate required properties
      return this;   // Return the object for method chaining
    // Method to display the user information as a string
    printUser() {
      return `User: { name: ${}, age: ${this.age}, weight: ${this.weight}, address: ${this.address}, gender: ${this.gender} }`;
  return user;     // Return the user object
// Usage: Create a user object and set properties
const user = createUser('Abhishek')
  .build();       // Finalize user creation
console.log(user.printUser());     // Display user information

Below is the explanation of the above code:

Factory Function to Create User Object:


function createUser(name) {
  const user = { ... };  // Object with user properties and methods
  return user;       // Return the user object

Here, a factory function createUser is used to create and initialize objects. The function takes a name parameter and returns a user object with properties and functions .

Setting User Attributes:


setAge(age) {
  this.age = age;
  return this
setWeight(weight) {
  this.weight = weight;
  return this
setAddress(address) {
  this.address = address;
  return this
setGender(gender) {
  this.gender = gender;
  return this;

These sets functions allow you to set the user’s age, weight, address, and gender. They update the corresponding attributes and return the object to enable function chaining.

Finalizing User Creation:


build() {
  if (! {
    throw Error('Name is required');
  }return this;               // Return the object for method chaining

The build functions is used to finalize user creation. It checks if the name is provided and throws an error if it’s not. It returns the object to allow function chaining.

Printing User Information:


printUser() {
  return `User: { name: ${}, age: ${this.age}, weight: ${this.weight}, address: ${this.address}, gender: ${this.gender} }`;

The printUser function generates a string representation of the user’s information.



const user = new User('Abhishek').setAge(30).setGender('Male').build();

  • This creates a new user with the name “Abhishek”, sets the age to 30, sets the gender to “Male”, sets the address to India and weight to 70.
  • Then build function is called to finalize user creation.
  • Finally, the printUser function is used to print the user’s information to the console.



User: { name: Abhishek, age: 30, weight: 70, address: India, gender: Male }

Builder Method | JavaScript Design Pattern

The Builder design pattern is a creational design pattern used to construct complex objects by separating the construction process from the actual representation. It’s especially useful when an object requires multiple steps or configurations to be created.

Important Topics for the Builder Design Pattern in JavaScript Design Pattern

  • Example without using the Builder Design Pattern
  • Implementation of the above Example using Builder Design Pattern
  • Advantages of the Builder Design Pattern:
  • Disadvantages of the Builder Design Pattern:
  • Where to Use the Builder Design Pattern:
  • Where Not to Use the Builder Design Pattern:

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