Implementation of Observer Method

Implementing the Observer Pattern with a Weather Monitoring System Example:


// Define a WeatherStation class
class WeatherStation {
  constructor() {
    // Initialize an empty array to hold observers
    this.observers = [];
    // Initialize the temperature to 0
    this.temperature = 0;
  // Method to add an observer to the list
  addObserver(observer) {
  // Method to remove an observer from the list
  removeObserver(observer) {
    this.observers = this.observers.filter(obs => obs !== observer);
  // Method to set the temperature and notify observers
  setTemperature(temperature) {
    this.temperature = temperature;
  // Method to notify all observers about the temperature change
  notifyObservers() {
    this.observers.forEach(observer => {
      // Call the update method on each observer
// Define a DisplayDevice class
class DisplayDevice {
  constructor(name) {
    // Store the name of the display device = name;
  // Method called when the display is updated with temperature
  update(temperature) {
    // Log a message indicating the name of the display and the temperature
    console.log(`${} Display: Temperature is ${temperature}°C`);
// Create an instance of the WeatherStation class
const weatherStation = new WeatherStation();
// Create two instances of the DisplayDevice class with different names
const displayDevice1 = new DisplayDevice("Display 1");
const displayDevice2 = new DisplayDevice("Display 2");
// Add both display devices as observers to the weather station
// Simulate a change in temperature by setting it to 25°C
// Simulate another change in temperature by setting it to 30°C


Display 1 Display: Temperature is 25°C
Display 2 Display: Temperature is 25°C
Display 1 Display: Temperature is 30°C
Display 2 Display: Temperature is 30°C

In the output, you can see that the two display devices, “Display 1” and “Display 2,” receive and display the temperature updates when the temperature changes. The first update sets the temperature to 25°C, and the second update changes it to 30°C. Both display devices log the updated temperature values to the console.

In the above Code,

  • WeatherStation Class: This class represents a weather station and is responsible for managing temperature data and notifying observers when the temperature changes.
  • Constructor: The WeatherStation class begins with a constructor function. It initializes two important properties:
  • Observers: An empty array to hold all the observers (in this case, the display devices).
  • Temperature: An initial temperature value set to 0°C.
  • AddObserver Method: The addObserver method allows observers to subscribe to the weather station. It takes an observer parameter (in this context, a display device) and adds it to the list of observers.
  • RemoveObserver Method: The removeObserver method enables the removal of observers from the list. It takes an observer as a parameter and filters out the matching observer from the list of observers.
  • SetTemperature Method: The setTemperature method is used to update the temperature data. It takes a temperature parameter and sets the temperature property to the new value. After updating the temperature, it calls notifyObservers().
  • NotifyObservers Method: The notifyObservers method iterates through the list of observers (display devices) and informs them of the temperature change. For each observer, it calls the update method and passes the current temperature as an argument.
  • DisplayDevice Class: This class represents a display device, such as a digital thermometer, and is designed to respond to temperature updates.
  • Constructor: The DisplayDevice class begins with its constructor function, which takes a name parameter. This parameter represents the name or identifier of the display device.
  • update Method: The update method is called when the display device receives a temperature update from the weather station. It logs a message to the console, indicating the device’s name and the current temperature in degrees Celsius.
  • Creating Instances: Instances of the WeatherStation and DisplayDevice classes are created. Additionally, two display devices are instantiated with names, ‘Display 1’ and ‘Display 2’.
  • Adding Observers: Both display devices are added as observers to the weather station using the addObserver method. This means they will be notified when the temperature changes.
  • Simulating Temperature Changes: To simulate temperature changes, the setTemperature method of the weather station is called twice. First, it sets the temperature to 25°C, and then it updates it to 30°C. Each time the temperature changes, the observers are notified, and they log the updated temperature to the console.

Observer Method – JavaScript Design Pattern

Observer design pattern, a staple of behavioral design patterns in JavaScript, provides a means to establish a one-to-many relationship between objects. This design pattern is especially valuable for decoupling components and facilitating extensibility in software applications. By employing this pattern, you can have one object (the subject) notify multiple observers (subscribers) about changes or events without requiring them to have direct knowledge of each other. This decoupling enhances maintainability and extensibility in your software projects.

Important Topics for Observer Method in JavaScript

  • Participants of Observer Pattern in JavaScript:
  • Implementation of Observer Method:
  • Diagram Explanation of Observer Method in JavaScript
  • Publish/Subscribe Pattern:
  • Differences Between Observer and Publish/Subscribe Patterns:
  • Advantages of the Observer Method:
  • Disadvantages of the Observer Method:
  • Conclusion :

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The Observer Method is often associated with the Publish/Subscribe pattern. In this pattern, there is a message broker (or event bus) that acts as an intermediary between publishers (objects producing events) and subscribers (objects interested in specific events). Publishers send events to the broker, and subscribers subscribe to specific event types....

Advantages of the Observer Method:

Aspect Observer Method Publish/Subscribe Pattern Communication Subject directly notifies observers when an event occurs. Message broker (or event bus) acts as an intermediary between publishers and subscribers. Event Type Typically focuses on a single event (e.g., temperature change). Supports multiple event types; subscribers can choose to subscribe to specific event types. Flexibility Loose coupling between subjects and observers. Offers flexibility for decoupling among different publishers and subscribers. Reuse Observers can be reused across different subjects. Can be used to decouple various components in a system. Memory Management Memory management can be simpler due to a straightforward relationship between subjects and observers. Requires proper management of event subscriptions and unsubscriptions to prevent memory leaks. Performance Generally lower performance overhead since it directly invokes observer methods. Slightly higher performance overhead due to the involvement of a message broker....

Disadvantages of the Observer Method:

Enhanced Decoupling : The Observer pattern fosters a desirable level of separation between components in a software system. It allows the subject to communicate changes to multiple observers without these entities being tightly bound to one another. As a result, changes made to one component do not necessitate extensive modifications in others, contributing to a more modular and maintainable codebase. Reusability Across Subjects : Observers are designed to be reusable. This reusability is particularly advantageous when various subjects within an application require similar notification mechanisms. It promotes code reuse, reducing redundancy in your code. Facilitation of Event-Driven Programming : The natural event-driven nature of the Observer pattern is a major asset. It aligns well with scenarios where you need to respond to events or changes as they occur, especially in environments that involve user interactions, such as web applications. This event-driven approach simplifies handling asynchronous operations. Dynamic Adaptability : The Observer pattern allows for dynamic addition and removal of observers from a subject. This dynamic adaptability is invaluable when your application’s requirements evolve over time. You can accommodate these changes without having to rewrite substantial portions of your codebase. Ease of Testing : Observers can be tested independently, thanks to their decoupled nature. This lends itself well to unit testing practices, as you can create mock observers to simulate different scenarios and validate individual components. Scalability Support : The Observer pattern is well-suited for scenarios that involve scaling the number of observers on the fly. It can efficiently manage a substantial volume of observers without compromising performance....

Conclusion :

Complexity Concerns : Although the Observer pattern promotes decoupling, it’s crucial to exercise caution regarding its use. Excessive application of the pattern can introduce complexity and intricacy into the codebase. Managing numerous observers and their interactions can become challenging, leading to less maintainable code. Memory Management Responsibility : Proper memory management is paramount in the Observer pattern. Neglecting to remove observers when they are no longer necessary can result in memory leaks, a subtle but significant issue. Developers must be meticulous in managing observer subscriptions and unsubscriptions. Performance Overhead : In situations where there is a substantial number of observers, the notification process can introduce performance overhead. Iterating through all observers and invoking their update methods can impact the application’s real-time performance. Thus, developers need to be mindful of performance considerations, especially in time-sensitive systems. Potential for Event Cascades : The Observer pattern’s cascade effect is a potential challenge. When one observer’s update method triggers changes in other observers, it can lead to a cascade of events, making the system harder to predict and debug. Asynchronous Event Coordination : Coordinating the timing of updates between observers in asynchronous event scenarios can become intricate. Ensuring that observers handle events in a synchronized manner requires careful design and consideration. Order of Notification Complexity : In some scenarios, the order in which observers are notified may be significant. Managing the order of notification can add another layer of complexity to the implementation, as it becomes necessary to specify and maintain a specific notification sequence....

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