if…else Statement

This type of statement simply checks the condition and if it is true, the statements within are executed but if not then else statements are executed.


if ( condition ){
// body of if
else {
// body of else

Illustration with Image:


void main()
    int gfg = 10;

    // Condition is false
    if (gfg > 30) { 
      // This will not be printed
        print("Condition is true"); 
    else {
      // This will be printed
        print("Condition id false"); 


Condition is false

Dart Programming – If Else Statement (if , if..else, Nested if, if-else-if)

Decision-making statements are those statements that allow the programmers to decide which statement should run in different conditions.

There are four ways to achieve this: 

  • if Statement
  • if-else Statement
  • else-if Ladder
  • Nested if Statement

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if Statement

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if…else Statement

This type of statement simply checks the condition and if it is true, the statements within are executed but if not then else statements are executed....

else…if Ladder

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