Idea of Nation

There were certain small events and actions which took place before and during the French Revolution, which helped to create a sense of togetherness and unity, as well as the Idea of a Nation among the common people of France. Some of the important events are mentioned below:

The Tennis Court Oath

It is one of the major and most important events in the revolution the Third Estate decided to move to an indoor tennis court and also pledged not to get separated till they gave France a separate constitution.

Storming of the Bastille

On 14 July 1789, a state prison situated on the east coast was attacked by an angry mob of people, and the prison turned out to be a special sign of the monarchy’s dictatorial rule.

Abolition of Feudalism

One of the most important developments and outcomes of the French Revolution was the Abolition of Feudalism. Old rules and taxes were abolished in the event and the National Assembly abolished feudalism.

French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation

French Revolution and Idea of Nation: The French Revolution in Europe was one of the most important movements for nationalism in Europe in 1789. France was declared a full-fledged territorial state in 1789 and came under an absolute monarch. However, the political and constitutional changes that came about with the French Revolution helped in the transfer of sovereignty from the monarch to the body of French citizens that constituted the nation and helped in shaping its destiny.

Table of Content

  • The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation
  • Measures to Revolutionized the Movement
  • Jacobin Clubs
  • Civil Code of 1804
  • Idea of Nation

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