How to Use Shellinabox

After successful installation, let’s see the next steps to follow for using shellinabox:

Step 1- Start the shellinabox daemon using the following command:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/shellinabox start

Step 2- By default, shellinaboxd listens on TCP port 4200, but it is possible to change it. For changing the port number, edit the port number using the following command:

$ sudo vi /etc/default/shellinabox

Step 3- Restart the shellinabox daemon using the following command:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/shellinabox restart

Step 4- Now verify whether Shellinabox is running on the port that was changed or not using the following command:

sudo netstat -nap | grep shellinabox

Step 5- Next step is to open a web browser, and navigate to “https://server_ip_address:port_number”. A web-based SSH terminal can be seen on the screen that will tell to log in using your username and password like this:

Step 6- Right-click in the browser to get different features, and if you are inactive for some time, the sessions get disconnected. Connect again by clicking on connect the button.

Note: DO NOT forget to secure the shellinabox with a firewall and open the assigned port(default one or the manual port you gave) for only specific IP Addresses to access your Linux shell remotely. This will protect from attackers.

Shell in a Box – Remote Linux Server via Web Browser

Secure Shell (SSH) is employed to access Linux-based machines, while Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is employed for accessing Windows-based machines. Putty is a widely recognized SSH client for Windows. Similarly, to remotely access a Linux server via a web browser, the shellinabox application allows the utilization of SSH.

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