How to use isspace() function in C?

The below example demonstrates how to use the isspace() function in C language:


// C program to illustrate the syntax of isspace function
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    // declaring a char variable to be tested
    char ch1 = ' ';
    char ch2 = 'a';
    // checking ch1
    if (isspace(ch1))
        printf("Entered character is space\n");
        printf("Entered character %c is not space", ch1);
    // checking ch2
    if (isspace(ch2))
        printf("Entered character is space\n");
        printf("Entered character %c is not space\n", ch2);
    return 0;


Entered character is space
Entered character a is not space

The space is not the only whitespace character in the C language. There are more whitespace characters which are as follows:



‘ ‘



Horizontal Tab




Vertical Tab




Carriage Return

isspace() in C

The isspace() in C is a predefined function used for string and character handling. This function is used to check if the argument contains any whitespace characters. It is declared inside <ctype.h> header file.

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