How to use CharField ?

CharField is used for storing small sized strings in the database. One can store First Name, Last Name, Address Details, etc. CharField should be given an argument max_length for specifying the maximum length of string it is required to store. In production server, after the Django application is deployed, space is very limited. So it is always optimal to use max_length according to the requirement of the field. Let us create an instance of the CharField we created and check if it is working.


# importing the model
# from geeks app
from geeks.models import GeeksModel
# creating a instance of
# GeeksModel
geek_object = GeeksModel.objects.create(geeks_field ="GFG is Best")

Now let’s check it in admin server. We have created an instance of GeeksModel. 


CharField – Django Models

CharField is a string field, for small- to large-sized strings. It is like a string field in C/C++. CharField is generally used for storing small strings like first name, last name, etc. To store larger text TextField is used. The default form widget for this field is TextInput.

CharField has one extra required argument: 


The maximum length (in characters) of the field. The max_length is enforced at the database level and in Django’s validation using MaxLengthValidator.


field_name = models.CharField(max_length=200, **options) 

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