How to Set Up Your Discord Account

Step 1: Open Discord Official Website

Launch your web browser and Search Discord Official Website or simple click here to directly visit the Discord official website.

Go to

Step 2: Click “Login” Button

After you have visited the official Discord website, proceed to the upper right corner and select the “Login” button.

Click “Login” button

Step 3: Click on “Register”

Upon reaching the welcome back screen, you will be prompted to log in using your current account. To create a new account on Discord, click on the “Register” option located below the Log In button.

Click on “Register”

Step 4: Add your Basic Details and Click Continue

You need to complete the necessary information for creating a new account. This includes your email address, the display name you wish to use on your profile, your chosen Discord username, the password you want to set, and your date of birth.

Once you’ve provided all the required information, click the “Continue” button to proceed to the next step.

Fill your Details >> Click Continue

Step 5: Confirm You are Not Robot

A box will now appear that requires confirmation before proceeding to the next step. Verify your human status and proceed to the following stage.

Check the Check box

Step 6: Verify you Account

Upon reaching this stage, your Discord account has been successfully created. At the top of the Discord screen, you’ll notice a green tab prompting you to verify your Gmail account.

Account created >> Go to Email

Step 7: Open Your Email and Click on Discord Verification Email

Next, access the email account you provided during the registration process. Look for the verification email sent by Discord in your inbox and click to open it.

Go to Email >> Click on Discord’s Email

Step 8: Click on “Verify Email”

Once you’ve opened the verification email from Discord, locate the “Verify Email” button and click on it.

Click on “Verify Email” button

Step 9: Click Continue to Discord

Your email has been successfully verified, and your Discord account is now ready to use. Simply click on the “Continue to Discord” button to begin using Discord.

Email Verified >> Click Continue to Discord

How to Create Discord Account

Discord, since its launch in 2015, has rapidly evolved from a voice-over-IP application designed for the gaming community to a comprehensive platform that facilitates communication across various interest groups and professional settings. With over 300 million registered users, Discord offers a unique blend of text, voice, and video chat options, making it an ideal space for communities to thrive in a highly interactive and customizable environment.

Creating a Discord account is your gateway to joining this vibrant network where you can connect with friends, participate in community discussions, and collaborate on projects with peers from around the globe. So, in this article, we will learn how to create a Discord account on your computer as well as on mobile.

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