How to Select Top Rows

In the MariaDB to select TOP N rows and TOP 10 rows firstly we have to use the LIMIT clause with the SELECT query, and how the select query, Order By Clause works. We will understand through various examples.


SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
ORDER BY column_name [ASC | DESC]


  • SELECT column1, column2: Specify the columns we want to retrieve from the table or * to retrieve everything.
  • FROM table_name: This shows the name of the table from which we want to fetch the data.
  • ORDER BY column_name [ASC | DESC]: The ORDER BY column_name­ [ASC | DESC] clause is optional. This clause helps to sort results, ascending order is by default (ASC) but we can specify DESC for descending order.
  • LIMIT N: This clause is important for selecting the top rows. It limits the number of rows returned in the result set to the specified value N.

How to Select the Top 10 Rows From a Table in MariaDB

In the data managing systems, MariaDB stands as a robust and adaptable­ MariaDB stands as a robust and adaptable­ choice in data managing systems. It’s known for efficiently retrieving data with lots of tools and instructions. We’re­ looking at the SELECT TOP clause, a key part of fetching data from MariaDB tables. The SELECT TOP in MariaDB limits the number of rows as que­ried results. we can MariaDB stands as a robust and adaptable­ choice in the data managing systems for the top N rows, by a set order criteria.

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