How to remove XFCE Desktop on Arch Linux?

Step 1: Remove XFCE and its Packages

To remove XFCE and its associated packages, you can use the Pacman package manager. Open a terminal and execute the following command:

sudo pacman -Rns xfce4 xfce4-goodies

This command will remove the XFCE desktop environment along with any dependencies that are no longer needed. The -Rns option removes the package and its configuration files, as well as any unused dependencies.

Step 2: Cleanup(Optional)

After removing XFCE, you may want to perform some cleanup to remove any unnecessary packages or unnecessary files. You can use the following commands to clean the system:

sudo pacman -Sc   # Remove cached package files
sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)   # Remove orphaned package

These commands will clean up cached package files and remove any unnecessary packages that are no longer needed.

Install XFCE Desktop on Arch Linux

Lightweight and highly configurable, Arch Linux is a popular Linux distribution that prides itself on its flexibility and simplicity. It provides a basic minimal installation, but users can tailor their systems to suit their requirements. XFCE is a well-liked desktop environment for Arch Linux that is well-known for its effectiveness, ease of use, and wide range of customization possibilities. We’ll go over how to install XFCE on Arch Linux in this tutorial, which enables users to set up a stylish and useful desktop environment.

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In conclusion, it is easy to install XFCE on Arch Linux and create a desktop environment that’s lightweight, effective, and customizable. Users can make use of the simplicity and adaptability of Arch Linux along with the variety of the XFCE desktop by following the instructions provided in this article. XFCE on Arch Linux offers a reliable and pleasurable computing experience, regardless of your level of Linux experience....

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