How to Print Value that Comes from Os.System in Python?

Below is the step-by-step guide of How To Print Value That Comes From Os. System in Python:

Step 1: Import the os Module

Before using the os.system() function, you need to import the os module in your Python script. This module provides a way to interact with the operating system, including executing shell commands.

import os

Step 2: Use os. system() to Execute Command

The os.system() function takes a string argument, which is the shell command you want to execute. For example, let’s execute the ls command in a Unix-like system to list the files in the current directory:


This command will print the output directly to the console.

Step 3: Capture the Output

To capture the output of the command and print it in your Python script, you can use the subprocess module. The subprocess module provides more control and flexibility over executing and interacting with external processes. In this example, the subprocess.check_output() function is used to capture the output of the command. The text=True argument ensures that the result is returned as a string.


import subprocess
command = "ls"
result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True, text=True)



Step 4: Handling Exit Status

It’s important to note that the os.system() and subprocess.check_output() functions return the exit status of the executed command. A non-zero exit status usually indicates an error. You can check and handle the exit status in your script. This way, you can catch and handle errors gracefully in case the executed command fails.


import subprocess
command = "ls"
    result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True, text=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
    print(f"Error executing command: {e}")



Code Examples

Example 1: In this Python example, the os.system function is used to run a simple command (echo Hello, World!). The os.popen function is then used to capture the output of the command, and the result is printed.


import os
# Run a command using os.system
command = "echo Hello, World!"
# Capture the output of the command using subprocess
result = os.popen(command).read()
# Print the result
print("Output from command:", result)


Output from command: Hello, World!

Example 2: In this Python example, the os.system function is used to run a command (ls -l to list files in the current directory). The exit code of the command is captured, and it is printed to the console. The exit code can provide information about the success or failure of the executed command.


import os
# Run a command using os.system
command = "ls -l"  # Example command to list files in the current directory
# Capture the exit code of the command
exit_code = os.system(command)
# Print the exit code
print("Exit code:", exit_code)


Exit code: 0


In conlcusion, Printing values that come from os.system() in Python involves using the subprocess module to capture the output of the command. This approach gives you more control and allows for better error handling. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively execute shell commands and incorporate their output into your Python scripts.

Print Output from Os.System in Python

In Python, the os.system() function is often used to execute shell commands from within a script. However, capturing and printing the output of these commands can be a bit tricky. This article will guide you through the process of executing a command using os.system() and printing the resulting values.

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