How to Move Several Columns in Excel

Step 1: Choose multiple columns

Choose Multiple Columns, either drag your cursor over their headers or use Ctrl while clicking on each header

Step 2: Utilize the “Cut” Choice

To remove the chosen columns, you can either press Ctrl + X or right-click and select the “Cut” option

Cut the Selected Columns

Step 3: Select the first column before which you want to insert the cut columns. Right-click it and choose Insert Cut Cells from the context menu

Insertion of Cut Cells

Step 4: Cut columns will be placed together as a block before the selected column, swapping their positions with the original ones.

Data swapped in new columns

Please note that when cutting and pasting cells, any formatting applied to them (such as cell fill color or borders) will not be retained in their new location. So, if you have any specific formatting in your swapped columns that you wish to keep, make sure to reapply it after performing this method of column switching.

The selected/column will be inserted before/below (based upon whether it’s row-wise insertion) the selected/clicked cell, effectively swapping their positions.

How to Swap Columns in Excel

Column swapping in Excel seems like a hectic task. Well, now it has been made a bit simple because of some new methods by which you can just swap the columns and do your need full work more efficiently. In this article, you will learn how to drag columns and how to move them. If you extensively use Excel tables in your daily work, you know that whatever logical and well-thought-out a table’s structure is, still you have to reorder your columns and credentials every now and then.

Table of Content

  • How to Swap Columns in Excel
  • How to Drag Columns in Excel
  • How to Move Several Columns in Excel
  • How to Swap Columns by Dragging Several Columns Using the Mouse
  • How to Swap Columns Using Cut and Paste Columns Individually
  • How to Swap Multiple Columns By Copying, Pasting, and Deleting in Excel
  • How to Re-arrange Columns with Column Manager
  • How to Swap Columns in Excel Shortcut

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