How to Manage DSA and Web Development Together?

Nobody can deny the fact that DSA is the fundamentals of programming and we also suggest the same. To manage both DSA and development together you should follow the correct way and here it is:

  • Make a Schedule: You have to create a well-versed plan which can provide time for both DSA and Development individually. Set separate slots for DSA fundamentals and concepts and Development projects and applications.
  • Divide and Conquer: Divide the tasks into smaller chunks and focus on one part at a time to get a hold of each of them. Doing both together can be frustrating sometimes but you will feel the gradual increase in your skills as time goes on.
  • Focus on the Fundamentals: Start with the basics of data structures, try to learn basic topics such as Arrays, Linked lists, Stacks, Queues, Searching & Sorting techniques, etc. In the development part, start with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and then extend it to further frameworks such as React, Django, etc.
  • Integrate: Try to mix the DSA and Development. For example, you learned a concept of DSA, try to implement it using development, in this way, you will understand the practical implementation of concepts.
  • Practice More and More: The more you will practice, the more you will learn. Once you are confined to the basics, try to solve coding problems that will help you in problem-solving skills and try to pick challenging projects, and become more proficient in your skills.
  • Discuss Problems: Join communities, make groups, and try to reach out to the discussion forums. These all practices will help you whenever you are stuck on something. Share your experiences and try to solve others’ problems too, this will increase your learning.
  • Take Breaks: If you have done the above things, you have a right to take a break. Take regular breaks as clearing your mind and keeping it fresh is very important. It will allow your mind to generate new and innovative ideas.
  • Track Your Progress: Be consistent and track your progress time by time. You should be well aware of your weak and strong points and try to overcome the weak areas.
  • Continue the Process: Make a habit of doing this process in a loop. Keep up the pace and explore new topics. Stay curious and try to expand your knowledge constantly.

How to Manage DSA and Development Together?

Today I will start practicing Data Structures
Wait!! I will develop a project on Full Stack.
But the companies are asking Trees, Graphs and Advance Data Structures!! 
On the other hand I have to show practical knowledge also in my resume.

What should I do? Practice DSA or learn hands on development?

Are you also puzzled by these questions, don’t worry you are not alone. It is the problem of every Computer science enthusiast. Most of the time this question arises in a student’s mind whether to focus on Data Structures and Algorithms or perform hands-on development!!

Let’s clear this doubt today, before moving ahead to the conclusion, let us explore some essential points such as why to learn data structure? or what is the need for doing development. or should you do DSA and development together or not?

If you are still confused about how to do DSA and Development together, you can also visit our course DSA to Development: A Complete Guide, It is the complete package for the one who is looking to Master DSA and Get Into the World of Development.

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