How To Deploy MERN Applications On AWS EC2

How Do I Allow Access To MongoDB From Anywhere?

To allow access to MongoDB from anywhere, log in to your MongoDB account, go to the network access of your database, and ensure that the IP access list includes “” to allow access from anywhere.

How Do I Add GitHub Secrets?

To add GitHub secrets, go to the settings of your GitHub repository, navigate to “Secrets and Variables,” and click on “Actions.” Then, click on “New repository secrets” and add the required variables, such as DockerHub username and password.

How Do I Create A Dockerfile And Workflow For My Repositories?

To create a Dockerfile, write the Dockerfile for your backend and frontend applications. For workflows, create a YAML file that defines the steps for building and deploying your Docker images using GitHub actions.

How Do You Test Your Deployed Applications?

After deploying your applications, copy the EC2 instance public address and paste it in the browser along with the specified port number for your backend and frontend. Test the applications to ensure they are functioning as expected.

Tell The Steps Involved In Deploying MERN Application On AWS EC2 Instance Using GitHub Actions?

The steps involved in deploying your MERN application on AWS EC2 are:

  1. Push frontend and backend to GitHub
  2. Build Docker images and push to DockerHub
  3. Configure AWS self-hosted runners
  4. Deploy backend and frontend
  5. Test deployed applications

Deploy MERN Stack on AWS EC2 with Docker via GitHub Actions

EC2 stands for Elastic Cloud Computing and is a service that AWS offers for running applications, hosting websites, processing data, and performing other computing operations.

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We will push our MERN project frontend and backend into two different repositories on GitHub from our local machine. After that, using GitHub actions, we will build a Docker image for both repositories separately. These images will be pushed to DockerHub and saved in two different repositories on DockerHub. On AWS, we will configure a self-hosted runner for both the front end and back end. When our image is pushed to DockerHub, then our AWS self-hosted runner will pull the image from DockerHub. After this, our application will run on EC2. First, we will deploy the backend, and then, in a similar way, we will deploy the frontend. Hurray! Now you have hosted the MERN stack application on EC2....

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Using GitHub actions, we first deployed our backend application on our EC2 instance. By using our backend application’s public IP address, we configured our frontend BaseURL inside our frontend repository secrets. Then we deployed our front-end application on our EC2 instance. By performing all these steps, you can successfully deploy your MERN Stack application in AWS EC2 using Docker through GitHub actions...

How To Deploy MERN Applications On AWS EC2 – FAQ’s

How Do I Allow Access To MongoDB From Anywhere?...

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